Bagpipe-Recordings Completed!

Jan. 25th 2025: Thanks to perfect preparation and simply wonderful musical skills, Ernesto was able to record the bagpipe parts for the new Celtica album in just a few days. There was enough time to revise musical details and record really satisfying pieces of music. And now we are looking forward to presenting the new album to our fans in spring and playing the new songs live on stage!
New Drummer! Happy New Year!

Making of: All Clans United!
Drummer wanted!

Lukas on drums at Celtica 2019-2024

Best Shots of the Baden–concert 2024 online!

Brand new video: Stay Forever

Awesome News from the “Wild West”!

New Video ends hibernation!
New Video coming on March 8th!
Merry Christmas from Celtica
Amazing Grace 2023: Epic Video!
Amazing Grace 2023, 2nd teaser
Last Show of 2023!
Zauberhafter Altstadtzauber in Klagenfurt!

New Gallery – the best shots from Schwarzenbach!

Another Merkenstein reunion!

Happy Birthday, Ernesto!
New official video: The Great Michael, Live in Dax, France/ 2022
Celtica in contact with America´s Got Talent!

Celtic Spirits, Live at Barcelona Rockfest!

New Video: Granuaile live at Dax!
4 weeks before Christmas: Prices like over 20 years ago!

Healing Tune, offiicial video of CELTICA – Pipes rock!
Megawatt Party in the Pool!

Aleksandra Aleksiuk: Recording Cello for Celtica´s “Healing Tune”!
New Gallery: Best Shots of Middeleeuws 2022!

New Gallery: Best Shots of Keltska Noc 2022!

Duncan Knight Gajus Stappen Lükas Lichtenfels @Ernsto Gongora

One Year Merkenstein!

364 days ago…
The Iron Angel, Live in Montelago
The Last Voyage of the Great Michael, Live in Montelago with orchestra
New Gallery: The best shots of Celtica @ Graalfest!

Graalfest, France: Miraculous…

Live interview with Earl Williams from Iowa Pagan News

New station: Celtic Rock Radio

Tourstart 2022!

New official video: Old Man of Storr

Happy Hogmanay and a wonderful 2022 to all of you!
Our Christmas-present for our fans & friends: The big finale of the “Merkenstein”-streaming show!
IRDORATH In prison for 4 entire months …

- Send money: They need money for their lawyers, and, in prison, for little things such as stamps or envelopes to answer letters. Please place your donation at the Belarusian Council for Culture (byculture.org), or from GER, CH, NL: https://www.lphr.org/spenden/ reference: Irdorath; They will get every Cent you donate!
Also we, Celtica, will donate 1.-€ for each item that we sell at our webshop. If you wish, you can also add an extra sum to your order. In this case, just write “Free Irdorath”, and I, Gajus Stappen, will forward your donation personally. www.celticarocks.com/shop/
- Send letters or postcards: Unfortunately, we cannot free them, but we can give them hope and let them know that they are not forgotten! The Belarus regime tries to make it as hard as possible – please show them that you / we are stronger! You can find a detailed description of how to write them here: (20+) Celtica – Pipes Rock | Facebook
- . Yes, it IS not easy, but that is why Nadezdha, Julija, Pjotr, Uladsimir and Antony will appreciate a message from the world outside even more so.
Please help Irdorath, it is a band just like Celtica…
TV-interview with Gajus

DVD “Celtic Spirits at Merkenstein”: December 6th!

Best of Celtica Live
Last Show in 2021!

New Album available!
CD-Presentation at Enger, Germany!

Reduced to the Max…!

Awesome Show at Zeltik, Luxemburg!

1st (nearly) normal live concert after1 year and 9 months!!!

Celtic Spirits-Show: New Date Sat. June 26th!
Celtic Spirits-Show: Daidalos Fire Show!
Celtic Spirits at Merkenstein: Celtic Thunder!
Celtic Spirits at Merkenstein: Our drummer Lukas!
Ernesto Gongora/Celtic Spirits at Merkenstein: Greetings from Britanny!
Everything you like know about “Celtic Spirits at Merkenstein”!
Celtic Spirits at Merkenstein (Teaser)
Celtic Spirits at Merkenstein (Text Teaser)
We´ve got your Easter present: Celtic Spirits at Merkenstein!

Back to the River: Over 10,000 Views!

Back to the River (official teaser)
Celtic Spirits at Merkenstein: Postponed
“When the Crown…”: 10 k views in just a week!

When the Crown dazed the World (official video)
Ferrum Noricum, official video!
1500th fan page member!

CELTICA – Pipes rock: Ferrum Noricum (Teaser)
CELTICA Unplugged Trio: Whiskey in the Jar, Official video!
CELTICA -Unplugged Trio: “Whiskey in the Jar”, teaser
CELTICA -Unplugged Trio: “Granuaile” 1st official video
CELTICA -Unplugged Trio: Granuaile (Teaser)
CELTICA -Unplugged Trio (Teaser)

1st live video in 2020: Live at Triskell! (Official video)
Ready for Toulouse!
Mille Grazie Trieste!

Duncan back at Vienna!

Celtic Spirits-stage banner has arrived!

Exploring locations for the next video-shooting…

Celtic Spirits: Top in Belgium!

Celtica now also on Instagram!

New Celtic Spirits-stage banner!

Visiting Friends 04: Skiltron!
“Visiting Friends” is a serial of interviews with musicians and bands we know personally from touring. We asked them about their current situation and about their plans for the near future. This is the 4th episode, featuring Skiltron and Emilio Souto, mastermind and guitarist of the Folk Metal band from Argentina.
New official facebook-page!

As our official Celtica-Pipes rock-fb-page (and also my, Gajus Stappen, personal page) was shut down without notice on Wed. July 15th, we have lost all shared content, likes, subscribers and messages! Most likely it is permanently…So we have created a new fb-page: https://www.facebook.com/Celtica-Pipes-Rock-110758404049380/?modal=admin_todo_tour Please like us and/ or subscribe (again), share it and invite friends! The fb-likes are an important indicator for a band´s popularity! Please help us with a quick, but powerful click!
Official facebook-page locked!

Since this morning the official Celtica-Pipes rock-fb-page has disappeared, also my (Gajus Stappen) personal profile and all shared content! We don´t know what exactly has happened, if it is temporary, if it is permanently locked or even already completely cleared. We just got a message that our account or some activities were violating the fb-policy, that´s all. If anybody has an idea how to bring back our page please let us know! It is a disaster…
“Visiting Friends” 02: Jane Espie, the Phantom Piper!
“Visiting Friends” is a serial of interviews with musicians and bands we know personally from touring. We asked them about their current situation and about their plans for the near future. This is the 2nd episode, featuring Jane Espie, the Phantom Piper. Please tell us for the next episodes, what questions you want us to ask, and what you would like to know about an artist.
“Visiting Friends” 01: Paddy Murphy!
“Visiting Friends” is a new serial of interviews with musicians and bands we know personally from touring. We asked them about their current situation and about their plans for the near future. This is the very 1st episode, featuring Paddy Murphy, one of the best Irish Speed Folk-Celticrock-bands in Europe. Please tell for the next episodes, what questions you want us to ask, and what you would like to know about an artist.
Celtica are “Visiting Friends”!
“Visiting Friends” is a new serial of interviews with musicians and bands we know personally from touring, from sharing stage and back stage area; We asked them about their current situation as all summer festivals got cancelled due to Corona and about their plans for the near future. It will start on Thursday July 2nd with Paddy Murphy, one of the best Irish Speed Folk-Celticrockband in Europe.
Facebook: more than 2000 followers!

We have crossed the 2000-followers-mark on Facebook and we want to thank each of you for your decision, to “like” the fb-page of Celtica – Pipes rock! After leaving all followers of 10 years to Celtica Nova we had to start from zero in September 2019. We are very happy that even after the cancellation of all gigs because of Corona we could still reach so many people and motivate them to subscribe to get the latest news about Celtica. Some people may say that 2000 followers is not a very impressive number; Well, for us it is not about “numbers” but people who share our taste of music, who enjoy the energy and who we -to a large part- know personally and see more as friends than fans – the Celtic Spirits all over the world…
“Celtic Spirits” on the way to the US & Canada!

Good news for our friends and fans in the USA and Canada: Postal traffic from Europe has opened again! Tomorrow I will send from Europe a load of Celtic Spirits-CDs to our US-distributor, and she will send all individual orders in the USA. All orders from Canada will be sent from Europe directly to Canada tomorrow as well. If you intend to order our new (or previous) t-shirts, girlies or tanktops, please do it TODAY to have your item sent in the load tomorrow! Thanks for your patience, now it is just a matter of time till you have your copy of Celtic Spirits and/ or your Celtic Spirits-shirt! https://celticarocks.com/shop
“Celtic Spirits” T-shirts, Girlies and Tank Tops available!

We just got the new Celtic Spirits-Tshirts, girlies and tank tops! You find the Celtica-logo, the “Bagtar”, over the Celtic knot from the CD-cover on classic black background. Availabe in our web shop in small till 3X large.
Web shop Tutorial
In the internet, there are all kind of video-tutorials, so here is also one “How to buy Celtic Spirits at the band´s web shop”. Thank you, Nicolas O., from Vienna, Austria, for clear and easy instructions! 😉
Celtic Spirits for the Village Voices

It was a pleasure and a honour to present the singers of the Village Voices their personal copies of Celtic Spirits. Conducted by Andrea Wiesinger, the choir made great recordings for this album. Of course, we respected all Corona restrictions like e.g. keeping distance at this “little party”! Support the band and purchase Celtic Spirits directly at the Celtica web shop: https://celticarocks.com/shop
Celtic Spirits: CDs arrived!

Today I got 3 large boxes with several hundred copies of Celtic Spirits! It was great, to hold the album the 1st time in my hands…In Germany, the orders on our web shop got sent already yesterday, all other web shop-orders in Europe will go out like planned on Monday May 18th. Unfortunately it is still not possible, to send any packages to the USA. The distribution in all other stores and platforms (Amazon, etc.) starts in June.
Celtic Spirits: Teaser
Celtic Spirits: Order now at our webshop!
Now you can buy Celtic Spirits directly at our webshop! There you will find all information about the album as well as sound samples of each tune. You will get the brand new album in digital version just a few minutes after you have paid by Paypal: We´ll send you your download-link for the whole album as high quality MP3s and wav-files. Our special Corona-offer: As compensation for the varying delivery times you will also get the download-link when you order the album as physical CD! In Europe we will ship your copy on May 18th, in the USA as soon as it is possible again. The distribution in all other stores and platforms (Amazon, etc.) starts in June.
Celtic Spirits order start on Wed. April 29th!

We work on a way, that you get the full album “Celtic Spirts” in digital form immediately when you order it to make up the due to Corona extended delivery times. Please we give us 2 days to sort out the technical problems till Wed. April 29th!
Celtic Spirits: Mix down finished!

Today we finished the mix down of the brand new album “Celtic Spirits”: We are very proud and happy as it sounds absolutely fantastic! After nearly a full year of preparations like collecting ideas and making the compositions, the actual recordings, arrangements and mix down took more than six, very intense months. Due to the Corona-crisis the last weeks got more complicated, but right now the 13 tracks get the last technical fine tuning. As soon as the CD-pressing plant has got all files they´ll tell us the exact date, when we will get the 1st copies. Within the next days we´ll announce when and how you can pre-order “Celtic Spirits”: Be the 1st to get it! 😉
Jigging on the Rocks – new video

Just a quick video for “Jigging on the Rocks”, one of the tunes from the new Celtica-album “Celtic Spirits” (release spring 2020). When I, Gajus, was on Gran Canaria already some years ago, I thought that Roque (=Rock) Nublo is a spectacular place for a video-shooting – and now we could film some scenes up there! So Rock Nublo is the reference for the title, but also “Whisky on the Rocks” was an influence…;-) Please go to “Videos”…
1st Drum Recording for “Celtic Spirits”!

For the first of two drums-recording sessions for the upcoming Celtica-album “Celtic Spirits” the top notch studio gosh-Audio was booked again. The sensational team around Stefan Kolber, with Tom Goethe at the sound controls created once more a world class drum-sound. Lukas Schlintl was the 1st time at a recording studio the drummer of Celtica: a truely awesome drummer with a perfect combination of feeling, power and perfection! Picture by Diana Makalova

Exactly 10 years after our start in the pretty much very (wild) West at Phoenix, Arizona, Celtica got invited to the very East: We are very excited to perform at Asia’s largest college cultural Festival, in Mumbai, India, on Dec. 26th! We will make a road movie of this outstanding tour, so please have a look on our website and YouTube at end of December… Namaste! https://www.facebook.com/iitb.moodindigo/
“All Clans United”: Enjoy…! 🙂
Happy Holidays! 🙂
2 new photo galleries online: Best of El Alamo & Opatija!

The best show ever…!

Best Shots from the Dossenheim-Show!

Celtica: Back to Barcelona Rockfest in 2024!

#duncanknight #ernestogongora #gajusstappen #lukaslichtenfels
Celtica to play on the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day!

Amazing Grace 2023, 1st teaser
Brand new Video: Megawatt live 2023 – with vocals!

IRDORATH free & safe -The nightmare is over!!!

Daidalos & Celtica: Little Merkenstein reunion!

April 30th 2023: Back to El Alamo, Spain! It was great to come back after a year and play three shows in two days. Everything went smoothly this time and we had perfect conditions to rrrock the festival.
The best pictures can be found below at https://celticarocks.com/explore/galleries/
Brand new Buttons!

Are you stressed by Christmas shopping? Nadezhda and Vladimir are not. Not at all.
Best of Celtica at Festival Roches Celtiques 2022!

New in our webshop: Celtic Fork-T-shirt!

Free and safe: Yulia, Piatr and Anton!

New Gallery: Best Shots of CELTICA at Zeltspektakel Wendlingen 2022!

International Band-Project for Irdorath!

New Merkenstein-Video!
Merkenstein Forever!

Running Order Barcelona Rockfest: Coming soon!

Thank you Salzgitter & Stemwede!

Telegram for Monsieur Verne, Montelago 2017
Crazy & wild: Celtica´s “Pipes and drums”

Warm up Weekend 2022

Best Pictures of 2020 & 2021 online!

3rd tour day: Different location, same fun!

Exploding at “Explosiv”, Graz/ AUT!

Happy holidays and a wonderful, „close to normal” 2022!

The brand new Merkenstein-DVDs have arrived!
Celtica now available at Café Hummel!

Celtic Spirits/ Merkenstein (Official video)
Ship ahoy!
After show party in Vienna…

Thank you Vienna…!

Duncan enjoying Vienna…!

Back on Stage in 8 Days!

On Tour again!

Celtic Spirits-Show: The incredible show available till Sat. July 3rd!
Celtic Spirits-Show: Rehearsals with Fire and Passion!
Celtic Spirits-Show: Duncan introducing David on fire-toms!
Celtic Spirits-Show: Greeting from our bassplayer Lukas!!
Celtic Spirits at Merkenstein: French greetings from Brittany
Introducing our Guests Irish Fire!
Introducing our Guest Musicians: Ricarda Bremstaller on harp!
Greetings from Edinburgh, Scotland!
Back to the River (official video)
New Livestream-Show: Celtic Spirits at Merkenstein!

Ferrum Noricum: 30 k views!

Ferrum Noricum: 20 k views!
Ferrum Noricum: 10 k views!

End of the year-review 2020
Christmas greetings-video!
Celtica back to MPS in 2021!

New official video: A Sinister Romance, Live at Toulouse 2020!
“A Sinister Romance”, Live at Toulouse, Oct. 11th 2020 (Official teaser)
Merci beaucoup, Toulouse!

Ready to rrrock Trieste!

Alternative concert at Toulouse!

Also Graalfest postponed to 2021!

Interview for Graalfest
Visiting Friends 06: Hawaii Irish Dance!
Visiting Friends 05: Ye Banish Privateers!
The Swedish pirate-band takes us 300 years back in time for an imaginary journey through the harsh life at sea during the early 18th century. The mix of rude folk and punk music invites you to dance and sing along, while the gripping ballads will make the toughest pirate heart soft.
Visiting Friends 03: BarbarÒ`Rhum!
“Visiting Friends” is a serial of interviews with musicians and bands we know personally from touring. This is the 3rd episode, featuring Barbar`O`Rhum, Pirate-band from France. Please tell for the next episodes, what questions you want us to ask, and what you would like to know about an artist.
New music video: Granuaile, Live at Mumbai/ India!
Here is a really remarkable live video, filmed at our performance at Mood Indigo, Asia´s largest cultural college festival, on December 26th 2019. This concert was pretty unique: It was the 1st Celtica-show ever in Asia, it was the 1st time in new line up, most likely the last live-performance of Celtica till October 2020, the only gig with Geza Frank – and one of the best audiences we ever had! Enjoy the colours of India, the enthusiastic audience and at the very end some crazy scenes, when we walked through some busy streets of Mumbai, fully dressed in stage outfit, with bagpipes… a bit “Celtic Bollywood” 😉 “Granuaile” is released on the new album “Celtic Spirits”, available at https://celticarocks.com/shop
People from all over the world about “Celtic Spirits”
Would you really believe us, if we tell you how great our new album “Celtic Spirit” is…? So we have asked people from all over the world for their opinion…
Aloha: Jigging on the Hawaiian Rocks!
Wow: Right now we just got from our friends on Hawaii this absolutely amazing video! Conducted by the brilliant Lynn Scully the Hawaii Irish Dancers dance to Jigging on the Rock from our new album “Celtic Spirits”: Great dancing, many good friends, who participate, and the terrific landscape of Hawaii: This video brings sunshine and lust of life directly from the Pacific Ocean…Thank you so much for this cheering greetings!
TV-Interview CitySOUNDS
Nice interview with Gajus at the private station WNTV, he talks also about the “sectret of the Celtica success”. Sorry, only in German…
New video: Atholl Highlanders, Home office version
We made this little video to give all our fans and friends an impression of Celtica at home office as our live performances got cancelled due to Corona-restrictions all over the world…Pleae find it on this website at “Video”. The full version of “Atholl Highlanders” will be released on the upcoming album “Celtic Spirits”, in May 2020! Stay safe, healthy and confident – we are looking forward to see you all again when this Corona-madness is over! 🙂
Introducing Ernesto Góngora

We are very happy to introduce Ernesto Góngora as the new 2nd piper of Celtica! Ernesto is an incredible bag piper playing with amazing sound, stunning perfection and –most important!- impressive musicality. Being Mexican citizen, he is the first bagpiper from Mexico, Central- and South America to win the All Ireland Solos Championship in Dublin. Gajus, after recording with Ernesto bagpipe, flute and whistles for the upcoming album “Celtic Spirits” : “Working with Ernesto was one of the most creative and satisfying experiences in my whole life. I´m very thankful and glad about the music we created, and I can´t wait to perform with Ernesto as a new band member the Celtic Spirits- show live on stage!”
New Celtic Spirits-design for the Celtica-logo

Like in the previous years, the well established Celtica-logo gets adapted to the current album and live show. The new “Celtic Spirits”-design attracts attention by the large celtic knot in the capital letter and the Celtica ornaments on the t-sword. Iron, recognisable by the rusty spots, reflects the extremely durable iron the Celts made for their swords, and which was highly coveted by the Romans(!). Musically the title “Ferrum Noricum” on the new album refers to that as well.
Thank you, Mumbai!

What an adventure, what an experience! We really enjoyed our 1st show ever in Mumbai/ India/ Asia! Hopefully soon some pictures, and also the full video, that we shot at Mumbai for the 1st tune of “Celtic Spirits” (we don´t even have a name yet, but we played it at Moody… should be ready in 3-4 weeks…stay tuned!
Peter has gone.

We met Peter, an absolute avid Celtica-fan, the 1st time in 2012 after our concert, and since than we were over all the years in contact till the end. Our first emotion was compassion with his fate, but once we got to know him a bit better it soon turned into admiration and friendship. It was impressive indeed to see how his brilliant mind handled it to be prisoned in an invalid body. In his last eMail from begin of January he had so many plans, e.g. how to help to make Celtica more popular in Germany, and he was looking forward to hear the new album and to meet “his group” at the next concert. 11 days ago he was brought to the hospital because of pneumonia, but just 4 days ago there was an unexpected serious problem with his heart. Mentally fully aware he suddenly had to face his soon death. He wanted to fight for his life and rejected morphine for a long time. He was listening to the music of Celtica till the end as it gave him comfort and confidence. Against all medical prognosis he survived another night, and so it was possible for me to tell him a few words on the phone. Soon after that his body lost the fight, and on Saturday around 2:30am he passed away. We are left behind in disbelief and grieve with the members of his family for an outstanding person.
Great Recordings with The Village Voices!

Thanks to Village Voices for great recordings! A big thank you to all the singers of the Village Voices and especially to their conductor Andrea Wiesinger for the amazing recording session last Saturday. Within 8 hours we created amazing choirs for the upcoming Album “Celtic Spirits”…
Brand new “old”Facebook-page online again: Please “Like”!

After a short interruption the previous Facebook-page “Celtica – Pipes rock” is online again – but without the old contents and without the old likes (both has moved to the new Celtica-US-FB-page). Please like us (again) as having already over 25.000 likes we have to start it from the scratch again…Thank you for your support/ likes!