- Leslie says:
- January 2016 at 04:23
I love your music! Its awesome! I hope you guys make it to the Florida panhandle some day! I would love to see your show in person!
- Abernathy Clan says:
- December 2015 at 00:22
Thanks for much for all you do. My brother and I love your music. Please come back to the USA! We Want To Rock! Sam & Todd
- Arkadiusz from Rybnik PL says:
- November 2015 at 23:43
Best music 4ever !!
- Bill Douglas says:
- November 2015 at 22:04
When are you going to come back to tour the USA?
- LairdM says:
- November 2015 at 10:37
Only just discovered you guys. Why has it taken me so long! You guys are AWESOME!!!! Taking the pipes to a whole new level and audience. Now have two favourite pipe-rock bands – you guys and RHCP.
- Brian Charles says:
- October 2015 at 05:37
Hi would love to see you in New Zealand. Just love hearing the pipes, nothing more soothing.
- Teresa Turner says:
- October 2015 at 18:13
My first Galway Bay Celtic Music Festival & Celtica rocked it!!! Thanks for a great time!
- Peter says:
- October 2015 at 01:09
Hi Celtica – bought your cd, great music!…come to Australia some time..we have many Celtic festivals here..Glen Innes in April/May is probably the biggest and best..hope to see you here sometime.
- OddShade says:
- October 2015 at 13:05
Hey, you’re great band! Do you perform in England or Scotland where I could come and see / listed you? I see no UK’s events at all in your calendar…
- seks telefon says:
- August 2015 at 17:19
Great band and music!
- Detlef says:
- August 2015 at 10:26
Hi Band, euer Abwechslungsreichtum ist großartig: mal geht es mit der ganzen Truppe powervoll vorwärts, mal gibt es virtuose Höhenflüge (Gaius!! Aya!) oder melancholische Einlagen (Jane, I had tears in my eyes.), mal musikalische Duelle. Überzeugendes eigenes Material, Covers von witzig (“Star Wars”) bis ernsthaft (“Thunder”). Hinterher dann Merchandising & Fancare satt. Many thanks for the optimism in your music as well as in your appearance that helped me a lot. Thanks for Mülheim/Ruhr. Thanks for Telgte. Und es geht weiter: HH scheint möglich. ICE und U-Bahn fast bis vor die Haustür des MPS! DO sowieso. Und es jetzt gibt es einen 2016-Termin in Hagen. Great! Gruß aus DO, Detlef.
- Fedora says:
- August 2015 at 11:16
Back home after Dresden MPS and Celtica still rocks! You’re great! We hope to see you soon.
- Arno says:
- August 2015 at 13:44
Saw you in Wacken on the Wackinger Stage. Great show, gals and guys! Thank you!
- Barry Fountain says:
- July 2015 at 18:08
I was first introduced to you when I saw ‘Atholl highlanders live in Arizona’ on a friends social network page. I liked the sound so looked up ‘Celtica’ saw the ‘pipes rock’ tag and then had a listen. It was ‘Whisky in the Jar’ filmed in New York and I enjoyed it very much and wanted more. Now I have several tracks from Legends and Visions on my SD card which plays in the car.
- Ray Mootsey says:
- July 2015 at 02:35
Hello all, I am in the US, found you on you tube, I think you are amazing,I have no Celtic blood but I love the pipes and rock. Celtica has turned my world around, Please keep Jamming, best wishes Ray
- Christy says:
- July 2015 at 14:37
I loved your live video, I truly hope to see you in Atlanta, GA, USA someday!
- Fred van den Bor says:
- July 2015 at 11:51
Thank you for the magnificent shows Celtica Pipes Rock has given last weekend at the Keltisch Midzomer Festival in Bad Nieuweschans, Holland!
- Wayne says:
- June 2015 at 20:03
You’ll need to come back to Houston!!!!!!
- Jo + Asti says:
- June 2015 at 00:32
WTF!! Nachdem wir uns 2 Stunden in Hanau HOT STUFF auf einem ValiumTrip erlebt habe, sind wir erst die letzten 20 min zu euch gestoßen, und haben bemerkt, das wir etwas großes und magisches verpasst haben Wir werden nach Eppstein kommen, um euch in voller Länge zu erleben HammerHammergeil!
- Alex says:
- June 2015 at 23:22
What a great gig at the “Rock the Kilt ” in Bünde AGAIN !!! Hope to see you again next year… stay healthy and keep on rockin’ Always a pleasure to make Party with you guys !!!
- yacine says:
- May 2015 at 03:40
hallo i am from algeria and i like your music . you are good artists .your music make me jump with a lot of happiness
- Carol says:
- May 2015 at 19:57
Hi guys and gals, cruising on you tube and came across your videos. I love the bagpipes as does my son and what you have done with your music is just fantastic. Wish you would come back to Winnipeg or Brandon so we can come see you! Keep up the awesome playing!!!!
- Andreas says:
- May 2015 at 05:53
Hi, excellent show last evening in Kurhaus Göggingen, Augsburg!! I like you guys! Bought both albums and looking forward to see you again, live, maybe without any chairs all around Best wishes and rock on! Andreas http://www.elusivesilence.de
- Epop says:
- May 2015 at 19:42
Hi, a great combination of catchy folk tunes, rock and a little bit of electronic/prog (“Visitors”). Hope to see you again next year at Fredenbaum Park Dortmund (“Spectaculum”). Many thanks to Aya for the little chat after the show (“You’ve got a synthesizer …”). Und: Jetzt, wo ich eure Website lese – Ihr seid ja wirklich dicke im Geschäft! Weiter so. E-Pop
- Uta says:
- May 2015 at 10:56
Hallo, super Konzert gestern in Bad Homburg, habe jede Minute genossen. Freue mich aufs nächste Konzert, die Zwischenzeit überbrücke ich mit Euren CDs. Und danke fürs Zurücklegen des T-Shrts! LD Uta
- Michael says:
- April 2015 at 08:44
Hallo , das Konzert gestern in Celle war genial. Hoffe sehe euch bald wieder. Weiter so Grüße Michael
- Wollo says:
- April 2015 at 21:26
Hallo ihr Lieben…. habe euch auf Youtube gefunden und auch sofort lieb gewonnen. Wie ich gesehen habe seid ihr am 18.07 – 19.07. in Bückeburg (Spectaculum). Ich freue mich (wir… meine Frau Nani auch) riesig auf euch. Macht weiter so.
- Marco says:
- April 2015 at 19:48
Sehen uns in Rastede. Ich hoffe / wünsche ihr werdet Whiskey in the jar spielen, und im Anschluss einen mittrinken.
- Doug says:
- April 2015 at 01:28
Please tour Eastern Canada!!!
- Chris Carter says:
- April 2015 at 03:44
I just discovered this phenomenon known as Celtica on Youtube. I wish I had know about you sooner. I love the Bagpipes, Celtic music, and Rock and Roll. You have fused these genres into something fantastic!! Keep up the great work. Hope that sometime you come back on tour in the U.S. and have a stop in Phoenix or Prescott Arizona, then I will get to see you live.
- Brian says:
- January 2015 at 11:17
Found you Guys when just wandering around Youtube. I have to say that I have never been a fan of the pipes until now but what you do with them blending with a modern rock style is quite mind-blowing. I’m going to watch out for a gig near me (East Kent) and try to get along. I am envious of the people I have seen enjoying your sounds on live videos.
- Beth Wheless says:
- January 2015 at 23:25
Enjoyed every Texas show and even made the trip to New York and introduced my northern friends to your amazing talents. Looking forward to your return to the states.
- Colin Hinds says:
- December 2014 at 17:00
Had the song “out there” going over and over in my head this morning. Caught your show at Estes Park and had a good time. My mom who was 85 at the time was dancing and booging in the pit at the end of the show with all the young rowdies. Its a good show when you can woo a great grandmother. Hope to see your rockin show again sometime and untill then I will be “out there” Colin
- ostseekrabbe says:
- November 2014 at 19:17
welcome to MPS in Germany next year! Very very great! I will see you again more than 1 time.
- Elmer says:
- November 2014 at 22:41
I have only seen the videos and that has caught my eye enough to buy all three albums. I have looked at schedules and I hope to find my way to a live show. Any chance you will be coming to the United States soon? No worries I will go to you if need be. Just keep doing what you do and rock the pipes.
- Mikke says:
- October 2014 at 00:14
Saw all your performances at Ocean Shores–holy shite n caramelized onions washed down with Redbreast! There are a lot of Celtic punk/rock bands, and you lot fuse the Muse righter than any I’ve seen. The ghost of St. Rory Gallagher looks out on you from the mists and smiles–especially you, Gajus. All of you, outstanding musicians, and such nice people. Thank you for working so hard to make our festival amazing.
- Susie says:
- October 2014 at 18:19
We went to the Irish Festival in Ocean Shores Washington from Tucson Arizona to see you guys. We were not disappointed either. Money well spent. Gajus Stappen was fantastic. Angus Young has nothing on this man. The energy they had on stage was remarkable. Caught every show they preformed. I hope you come back next year!! I wish you all the success because you sure deserve it. You all have pure talent….except great things for you!
- Todd says:
- October 2014 at 20:25
What a entertaining group. Rock and Pipes together for an “electric” performance. Great energy and even better people. Celtica Pipes Rock is a must see if they come to your area, or if you go to theirs.
- George & Sandi says:
- October 2014 at 04:57
Fantastic shows you put on at the Galway Bay 11th Annual Irish Music Festival. You guys rocked it. Look forward to seeing you all again and get chatting with Duncan and Harald during break at Galway Bay Pub. Cheers!!!
- Gail Entwistle says:
- October 2014 at 04:44
Saw you at the 2014 Gallway Bay Festival and am impressed. Hope to see you again and again. Rock on!
- thom says:
- October 2014 at 17:18
Great show last night at Celtic Music Festival. Was very pleasantly surprised….bagpipes can rock.
- Moreno says:
- October 2014 at 10:56
Even this year I had the opportunity to appreciate your performance in Chiampo in Italy, and I must say that you are a delight for both the eyes and the heart. You have a unique style, and the charge seems to convey that you know magic. You are a great band, and I hope that your career is getting bigger. Celtic Pipe’s Rock forever !!! Moreno
- Silvano says:
- September 2014 at 13:23
I saw you for the first time at 15th anniversary of Banana Group motorcycle gathering in Tuscany last February and you were amazing…. I’m in Johannesburg for work and i’m spreading your name and your music everywhere I go… A lot of people interested in you around here… Could be interesting for both u and them to pay a visit….. GREAT CELTICA
- gregory says:
- September 2014 at 23:12
Saw them on Sunday at the Pleasanton Scottish games and they were great! Would see them again anytime and tell all my friends about them! The band’s name sums it up!!!
- Amandine Rusyn says:
- September 2014 at 17:37
Saw you all at the Highland Festival in Estes Park this weekend. So awesome! Take care and hope to see you all again someday!
- Dave says:
- September 2014 at 05:25
Saw them both days at the Pleasanton Games. Standing room only for every set. Spillover into the roadway. By far the most energetic and fun show at the games! Great mix of music from respun 400 year old tunes to mixes of show tunes to brand new original work. Gajus, you are a genius. Saw them at Pleasanton last year and was blown away then. Didn’t think they could top that but I was way wrong! So good it brought tears to my eyes. New members were a big plus. Loved how they invited the band they shared the stage with to play with them the last couple of songs in their last set. That was super professional (and fun too.) Will go way out of my way to see them again. Only change I’d ask is that the entire band get introduced (I know the sets are short.) Keep up the great work!
- Rebecca says:
- September 2014 at 01:37
Celtica blew us away at the Pleasanton Highland Games! We may just drive 4.5 hours to see them at Bakersfield Celtic Music Festival — well worth the trip!
- Ken Morrison says:
- August 2014 at 14:25
FANTASTIC tour kickoff show at McGirk’s in Binghamton, NY on Friday! You are all world class performers! The crowd loved the show and one couple drove 3 hours to come see you. We hope you will pass by this way again in the future. Ken Morrison http://www.whatsgoinonbinghamton.com
- eric says:
- August 2014 at 20:46
true skalds are back and the pipes shrill like never before my favorite group is right here and hope to hear your magic for many years to come thank you
- Robert Couttie says:
- August 2014 at 12:11
looking for Scottish music with a kick found you guys when you coming to Scotland. Alba-Gu-Brath
- sowa k.d. says:
- July 2014 at 20:42
please come to Poland, here are so many, so many Your fans
- Jocke says:
- July 2014 at 08:21
Please come to Sweden and play
- Nina says:
- July 2014 at 10:02
Hey, we bought your 3 CDs on the Angelbachtal Highland Games without ever hearing your music before. (Just a short look on YouTube seconds before) And this was the right decision! We could´nt stay until the show begins, but we are so happy with your cd´s that we hope to come to the Kammgarn next year! Thank you for the music!
- Ana says:
- July 2014 at 11:06
I discover your music in a podcast, and I definitively want to hear you! I hope you ll plan soon to come in France!
- Roland says:
- June 2014 at 23:02
Hallo, ich habe euch am 28.06.2014 in Obervellach in Kärnten gesehen und bin absolut begeistert !!! Die CD die ich von euch gekauft habe hat auch meine Frau überzeugt! Ich freue mich auf ein wiedersehen! (hab auch einige Bilder gemacht solltet ihr noch welche brauchen) Weiterhin viel Erfolg Roland aus Klagenfurt
- MaryLu says:
- June 2014 at 20:21
Hallo, vielen Dank für den supertollen Auftritt. Es hat Freude gemacht zu sehen, mit wieviel Lebensfreude und Spaß an der Musik der Auftritt war. Ihr versteht es jung und alt zu begeistern. Macht weiter so. Viel Erfolg weiterhin und uns habt Ihr als neue Fans gewonnen. Wir freuen uns schon sehr darauf, Euch wieder auf einem Konzert in Deutschland zu sehen. Herzliche Grüße aus dem kleinen Dorf in Salzgitter-Lobmachtersen.
- ostseekrabbe says:
- June 2014 at 15:59
Unique sound of blazing bagpipes, mighty drums and the power of a rock band, CELTICA takes by storm the audiences. At last Amazing grace I must say in German: Der pure Wahnsinn, Gänsehautfieber vom Feinsten. Acustical and optical the very best!
- ostseekrabbe says:
- June 2014 at 21:55
A very great show at MPS Hohenwestedt (Germany) in a wonderful surrounding. Come back next year.
- Asian Wedding Horses UK says:
- June 2014 at 20:56
Awesome. You Guys are just what I am looking for. Bagpipes and Rock for my Asian Wedding Clients. I hope we will be doing business together soon. Messaged you on FB. Please respond asap. Regards. Steve.
- Michael says:
- May 2014 at 14:01
Holy Cow, you were awesome yesterday in Rastede. Thanks for this amazing experience. The CD’s are rotating. Had a blast
- kiwi777 says:
- May 2014 at 03:34
I’m Looking forward to hearing the CD number 3 from Celtica. I’m heading over to Austria / Germany maybe England around Sept – Oct 2014 ( from New Zealand ), I was hoping to catch Celtica in concert sadley the band is touring U.S.A around the time I’m over there. maybe better timing next time.
- raimund says:
- May 2014 at 18:52
great show at mps dortmund
- Marguerite says:
- April 2014 at 04:52
So glad to see you are returning to Estes Park Scottish Irish Fest in CO this fall. Attended the Sat nite concert and heard/saw/met you all for the first time in Estes Pk 2013. Will not dance wearing camera again, ha! Looking forward to hearing your new music. Cheers, Marguerite
- Nancy McLeod says:
- April 2014 at 01:43
Seen you at Helotes you rock love want you can do with the pipes hope you see you next year if you come back to Texas
- Ken Bender says:
- April 2014 at 03:33
Saw you guys at Highland Games in Helotes…great job,guys rock…keep up the good work….Hope to see you again next year
- Kate says:
- April 2014 at 23:00
Hey!!! Just saw you at the Celtic Music Fest in Helotes, TX!!! Well done!!!!
- Kym says:
- April 2014 at 02:14
Came to the San Antonio Highland Games strictly to see you! And again, you did NOT disappoint! Looking forward to car dancing to your new CD!
- Kevo says:
- March 2014 at 01:10
Saw you in NJ yesterday. Loved the show! Will catch you in NY
- Rudee says:
- March 2014 at 00:52
We are looking forward to Rocking with CPR Friday night !! Should be a grand evening looking forward to seeing you all again, Doug “Rudee” Braden / Peek Freenz
- James Nichols says:
- March 2014 at 05:28
Heard you for the first time at the 2013 Sonora Celtic Faire with my lady, and we’re looking forward to hearing you again! PIPES ROCK!
- Rene Grandon says:
- March 2014 at 06:37
We saw y’all at NTIF in Dallas! So awsome! Such a rocking great time!
- Nancy McClintock says:
- February 2014 at 20:24
So excited to see you will be playing at the Pleasonton, California Scottish Highland games this coming September,2014. I was amazed last year by your music and energy and have been enjoying both of your CD’s since! Hope your new band members are as awesome and looking forward to the games and great music! Nancy McC.
- December 2013 at 21:43
Looking forward to seeing you live at NTIF 2014 in Dallas. We will show you a Texas good time!
- Padriag O’Treabhair says:
- November 2013 at 16:53
Rockin’ show in Dunedin, y’all. Looking forward to seeing you in Texas. Also it would be great to have you to the Seattle area one day. I’m sure they would love you here.
- Sherri says:
- November 2013 at 18:31
All I can say is “WOW”…Celtica performed at the Dunedin Celtic Craft Beer & Music Festival this last Saturday (11/23) and they were incredible. Extremely talented musicians; their music grabs you from the moment they begin to play. And to top it all off, their stage presence commands your attention. Love these guys/girls :-).
- Nick says:
- October 2013 at 19:54
Been following this band long before they came to the 2013 St Louis Scottish Festival Event, but seeing them live just re enforced my liking for Celtic music and bagpipes. Being in a hard rock/screamo band myself, I have a more appreciation for evolving music playing!! You guys rocked this event each time, and I hope to see you play again soon!!!
- Laura says:
- October 2013 at 03:03
I Love this Band. Loved the show in St. Louis MO. Rock On.
- Kimberly Albro says:
- October 2013 at 20:31
CELTICA PIPES ROCK! They played the Longs Peak Scottish Irish Highland Festival in Estes Park, Colorado this year for the first time. I caught them at the Saturday night concert and I was BLOWN AWAY. Their stage presence was awe inspiring and loved the mix of modern rock with traditional pipes. They really got the crowd going. Just a few days after ourfestival Estes Park was hammered with historic rains and 500 year flooding. I reached out to Celtica to possibly help with raising donations for Estes Park. Theydidn’t hesitate, and are still currently donating $1 for every merchandise sale to benefit Estes Park 100%. Great musicians, superheroes in disguise! If you can, check them out in Aztec, NM or Dunedin FL in the states. YOU WON’T REGRET IT OR FORGET THEM!
- D3gl1ng0 says:
- October 2013 at 12:51
Salut les filles et les gars ! Je vous ai découvert sur Youtube et votre musique m’a fait monter les larmes aux yeux tellement elle était bonne ! Ça faisait bien longtemps que cela ne m’était pas arrivé alors MERCI, спасибо, thank you, vielen dank ! Je m’en vais acheter vos deux CD dès que possible. mit besten grüßen D3gl1ng0
- Scott says:
- September 2013 at 23:23
Caught your show in St Louis Mo. at the Scottish games. I heard you talking about the show on the radio and went to the games just to see you. I was blown away what a great show. A perfect mix of traditional pipes and rock. And you are so right PIPES ROCK…. I hope you can make it back next year I would love to see you live again. Until then I will be happy with the CD’s which have a permanent place in my cars player. I wish you the best of luck and much success.
- Jim Fox says:
- September 2013 at 06:52
Second year seeing the band at Scotsfest Tulsa. Just awesome!
- Sue Maurer says:
- September 2013 at 06:18
I stumbled upon Celtica by accident on youtube of all places and was blown away! I’ll never have the pleasure of seeing Celtica live because of my location but I am trying to find a way to purchase your music! Instant fan! KEEP IT GOING CELTICA, you’re the perfect mix of music I’ve always searched for….perhaps some day I’ll be fortunate enough to see you live. BEST WISHES ALWAYS
- Bruce MacDonald says:
- September 2013 at 16:28
I’ve just discovered Celtica Pipes Rock, only wished I had discovered you before. You folks are truly the missing link between traditional Scottish pipes and hard rock. You’re the best thing I’ve ever heard and am now a huge fan for life! I’m extremely happy that I found you and your music, this is the best I’ve ever heard. I’ve been watching all of your live stuff on You Tube. I can’t stop watching! Please continue this for many centuries to come!
- Randy says:
- September 2013 at 07:17
Another AWESOME show in Tulsa this year. Noted the two new members this year and you all didn’t miss a beat. Hope we see you here again in 2014? Been following your progress on schottenradio. Good to see Cape Horn at #2 on the charts.
- Karen frosm Este says:
- September 2013 at 19:23
he Best shows, loved it…… Thanks for taking the tour through the mtns it was a blast. Hopefully we will see you back in Estes Park soon……..
- Lisa and Logan says:
- September 2013 at 22:33
Our entire family loved seeing you at the Scotfest in Tulsa! Thank you so much for posing for pictures and signing our CDs and shirts! We cannot wait to see you again!
- Eric says:
- September 2013 at 21:27
Great shows at ScotFest/Tulsa……..saw ya at the Hotel when we were arriving, to our pleasure saw you on stage shortly there after. Awesome….Awesome… thank you all for the great energy and music.
- Lisa says:
- September 2013 at 01:24
Just caught your show at Scotfest. Awesome! Wonderful! Super! Danced until I could hardly breathe. You guys are great Thanks- Lisa
- Brenda says:
- September 2013 at 15:56
Caught all 3 of your shows Sunday in Estes Park. You rock! Audience participation, how you engaged us all, playing and flirting with your audience, only added to the charisma of your performance. I had so much fun I had to buy a cd
- Michelle says:
- September 2013 at 03:28
You guys ROCKED Estes Park. It was so much fun when you all were on stage. I hope you are able to come back to Estes Park soon. I look forward to seeing you again in Florida in November.
- Thomas Mitchell says:
- September 2013 at 02:37
You are definitely a group of talented performers. I watched you perform at the 2013 Longs Peak Highland Festival and enjoyed what I heard. I spent a little time watching an audience of adolescents, young adults and older people react with great enthusiasm. Everyone was on their feet and being very vocal in their enthusiasm. I anticipate a very bright future for you all and hope to have the opportunity to see you live again soon.
- Joel says:
- September 2013 at 05:09
Just seen the show in Billings Mt. You guys rock the music was great. Celtic Pipes lived up to its name and ROCKED it. Good show. Hope to see you guys again.
- Leigh McTaggart says:
- September 2013 at 01:35
We just saw you at the Pleasanton Games. My son is learning the pipes and it’s great to show him how versatile the instrument can be. You guys truly rock and I can’t wait to see you again.
- Marie says:
- August 2013 at 03:31
Saw you at Hunter Mt. AWESOME… loved the entertainment and music. you all are very talented. Will pass onto my family in Scotland to look you up.
- janice says:
- August 2013 at 03:13
saw you tonight at Hunter Mountain. your guys rocked. thanks for signing my cd and it was great to meet you. unfortunatly i cannot listen to the cd because it was broken in half. so upset….can’t wait to see you guys again… till them rock on xo
- Manuel says:
- August 2013 at 20:58
Danke für das schöne Wochenende in Altena… wir waren wie das Jahr zuvor begeistert und Josy die VIP trägt nächstes Jahr deinen Namen…
- Steffen says:
- August 2013 at 21:27
Vielen dank für das schöne Wochenende in Altena! Es war wieder Super!!! Endlich haben wir jetzt auch Fotos mit euch zusammen. Und unsere Tochter der blaue kleine Engel ist von Josy total begeistert! Wir hoffen wir sehen uns nächstes Jahr wieder! Spätestens in Altena!! Viel Glück euch weiterhin! Bye Bye….
- Andreas says:
- July 2013 at 17:36
Great Show at Castellans yesterday – I’ve enjoyed it so much. Hope to see you again next year.
- sean says:
- July 2013 at 01:51
great show at grandfather mountain! now a new fan love you guys see you next year!
- WoFu says:
- July 2013 at 01:40
Extreeeeemely excellent performance.. You’ve rocked the Catellans folk festival. Thanks for your show tonight.
- barbara says:
- July 2013 at 04:00
thank you celtica you rocked the fort once again. You were awesome and I hope you will come back to thunder bay again in the near future. my mom and dad would of loved you guys . All the very best to you and look forward to your next album. Your biggest fan Barbara
- Wu says:
- July 2013 at 18:10
- Sabina says:
- July 2013 at 17:19
Thank you Celtica! You were the highlight of the Celtic Festival in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, July 19, 2013. I loved it! Can’t wait to see you perform ‘over the pond’ one day. I wish you were given a slot to play on Saturday night instead. The audience was a little thin on Friday. You deserved to play a larger crowd. I hope we can book you again next year. Rock on!
- Bill says:
- July 2013 at 14:18
Love you at the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games (NC, USA), but why did it always start to rain during your night gigs? Regardless, we bought and listened to both CDs driving back and loved them. My youngest daughter (22) heard selected tracks and flipped. She is now a fan. Also, my wife looks great in the Celtica woman’s t-shirt (should have gotten one for me!). Looking forward to what you do, and hope you enjoy your America tour (and have better weather)!
- Ronald Beuker says:
- July 2013 at 15:43
Great show at the 7-th Keltisch Midzomer Festival in Bad Nieuweschans guys! First time that I saw you, and I enjoyed every minute of it! Thnx!
- Rebecca Clark says:
- July 2013 at 00:48
Loved seeing your shows at Grandfather – you allrocked the mountain! am loving my CD! Hope to see you again soon. Rebecca – Knoxville, Tennessee
- Susan K. says:
- July 2013 at 23:12
You were the highlight at the Highland Games on Grandfather Mountain! I posted the picture of us on my FB page and added a link to your webpage. The pic. definitely increased my coolness factor since I’m a conservative school teacher. If you ever make it to Virginia, I’ll be in the audience!
- Cindy says:
- July 2013 at 06:51
Saw a 2 min post on facebook. Checked out your site and music!! Very awesome music!! Hope to see you soon at an event!!
- Eric says:
- July 2013 at 18:58
Good job in Alaska. We had a great time!
- Kaiser says:
- July 2013 at 15:08
Orgasmicc composition Cetic Rules !!! From TUNISIA
- Mitja says:
- June 2013 at 21:55
Great,great performans and absolutely good music from you here in Maribor! It was so good to hear and see you again in live! Till next time!
- Lady Lucretia says:
- May 2013 at 19:11
I saw you guys on the 25.05.13 at the 2nd Keltic Festival Schloss Hohenlimburg. It was really amazing! I saw that you guys are not coming to Denmark Maybe this would be a nice idea?!? Would like to see you again live
- Laurie Landfried says:
- May 2013 at 18:40
I saw you guys last year at the Tulsa Scottish Festival and you guys rocked! I have never heard anyone mix it up like you guys did!! It was a great surprise and I loved it!! I just bought both your CD’s!! Keep that passion alive always.
- Luca says:
- May 2013 at 08:52
Great show yesterday in italy! I’ve never seen all that fire on a stage!
- Jim Morrison says:
- May 2013 at 22:23
Hey, I just discovered Celtica! I must’ve been living under a rock … I think you’re great and I’m coming to see you in Tulsa in September! Can’t wait! You ought to play at the North Texas Irish Festival in Dallas, Texas next year, Feb 28, Mar 1 and 2, 2014. Do it, you’d be a hit!
- tabularazor says:
- April 2013 at 08:04
hi ihr, hab mich durchgezappt durch eure klangwolken- blieb mir der atem weg, echt großes kino und energiesound. nach dem studium eurer tourliste werde ich sicher auf einem gig vorbeischauen. danke an josi, sie hat mich “zu euch geführt”. also weitermachen, nie aufhören, man sieht sich und liebe grüße an josi von christof aus budapest
- Laura Cunningham says:
- April 2013 at 03:34
A friend sent me a link to your raggae bagpipe cover of Lion sleeps Tonight. I almost cried, I loved it so much. My mother was born and raised in Glasgow, and she shared her love of bagpipes with me. My 16 year old daughter loves Bob Marley and reggae, so this was just amazing. I will be ordering your cd’s as soon as my hubby gets back to work. Thank you, your music has made my day.
- Steven McMillan says:
- April 2013 at 15:22
Good Stuff!
- B.McLachlan says:
- April 2013 at 03:24
LOVED finally seeing you live at the San Antonio Highland Games! I will definitely be going to see you this September in McDade, TX! Thanks again for an amazing show!
- Carole says:
- April 2013 at 18:47
San Antonio has long been a hard rockin’ metal town. With the arrival of Celtica and their kick a$$ rock and bagpipes I think we all fell in love with their music, it just rocks our soul. I hope they make San Antonio a regular stop.
- mysticdruid says:
- April 2013 at 07:48
I really enjoyed your performance at the San Antonio Highland games. Hope you all come back next year!!!
- jacksonUnit says:
- April 2013 at 01:39
MAN, PIPES UP! That was exhilarating! We loved every minute of it! I was in the pipe band you guys played with at the finale. The only thing I didn’t like about playing with Celtica was having to stop so soon. If you come back next year, maybe we can work up a longer set. jacksonUnit, –San Antonio Pipes and Drums.
- Lacee says:
- April 2013 at 22:41
Awesome job at the San Antonio Highland Games!!! We really enjoyed it. I do think a Christmas album would be awesome from you guys.
- Peggie says:
- March 2013 at 00:36
You all were amazing at the Highland Games in Phoenix. Can’t wait to see you again, may even show up at the Games in Pleasanton just for you all!!! Peggie
- Paul says:
- March 2013 at 05:54
You all were a BLAST to work with and you ROCKED the show Sat night in Phoenix!! We will see each other again soon!!
- Jason says:
- March 2013 at 08:12
is it ok to say you all were fucking awesome on the site? cause you all were fucking awesome
- Rick says:
- March 2013 at 03:58
Just saw you today at Dublin Civic Center and was blown away! Really fun combo of pipes and rock! Also happy to see lady piper is from Boonville, I have lots of friends from there
- Scott says:
- March 2013 at 21:06
I saw you this last weekend up at the Sonora Celtic Fair. You Guys and Gals Rocked the house. Can’t wait to see you again! The Grass Valley Celticfest is in Sept……. Would be great if they booked you!
- latisha says:
- January 2013 at 23:48
love it to death hot hot hot
- Teine Sith says:
- January 2013 at 20:41
Very interesting, love that cover of We Will Rock You/I Love Rock n Roll! Looking forward to seeing you perform at the 2013 Long’s Peak Scottish-Irish Festival!
- Sansnom says:
- December 2012 at 07:55
You’re a great band …
- gene says:
- November 2012 at 02:07
I think it would be awsome if you did a christmas album
- MadGran says:
- October 2012 at 18:10
Wow! you guys Rock… love the fiery bagpipes… would love to see you live.. swing those sporans!
- Rebekah Berry says:
- October 2012 at 09:35
Love love love your music! When will you be coming to the Pacific Northwest? Keep Those Pipes Rockin’!
- gene says:
- October 2012 at 07:34
keep the celtic rock alive
- gene says:
- October 2012 at 07:25
I have always loved pipes and after i heard and saw you i love them even more you all make me very proud of being scottish and irish
- Randy and Elizabeth says:
- October 2012 at 03:58
We caught you guys at the Tulsa Games – 2012. When you got a standing ovation and made a “curtain call” on Saturday night you made my year with Amazing Grace; such an awesome rendition. However, when you mixed it wih Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing” I said there was NO WAY you could do it with bagpipes. You guys did your homework and not only made it work – you ROCKED the freakin house. Awesome awesome job! We are new groupies forever. Futher, we brought our 12, 10, 9, and 5 year old grandkids and they too loved your shows and fight over the CD I baught for myself.
- Jack and Susan says:
- October 2012 at 15:55
After coming across your band on You Tube this spring, I learned you were coming to the NH Highland Games and tried to order your CDs off your WEB site and was unable to do so. Gajus replied, and I said that I would wait until the games and get them there and told you that the NH crowd would love you guys. . Well, we attended all of your shows, even the impromptu ones on the sidewalk on Sunday. We left with both CDs and a signed t-shirt for our grandson. Thanks, and YOU WILL BE invited back. New England rocks to Celtica. It has been 2 weeks since the games and my wife is still murmuring Aye Aye Captain over and over again!
- Ingrun says:
- October 2012 at 15:34
Hallo Celtica, durfte Euch in Hemer bewundern und fand Eure Auftritte echt Megasuper. Weiter so und ich hoffe wir sehen uns im Mai 2013. Ganz Liebe Grüsse Ingrun
- Lindsey says:
- September 2012 at 22:41
Had such a great time seeing you guys last night at Pipes in the Valley! We’d never heard of you guys before but by the end we totally loved it! AWESOME music! Thanks for such a great time! Looking forward to seeing you again in 2013!!! All the best, Lindsey
- Mike says:
- September 2012 at 23:11
You guys were GREAT at the NH Highland Games! Come back again, often!
- Kurt says:
- September 2012 at 17:05
9/26 An incredible band! Saw your Sat. night show at the NHHG at Loon Mt. Never heard of you all before this weekend, now your CD hasn’t left my car. What a great time hearing awesome talent. Please come to the US often, there’s an audience here for you. Kurt and Diane
- Tj says:
- September 2012 at 00:05
Saw you guys at the NH Highland Games this past weekend. You guys ROCK! Of all the bands I saw yours act was the best. Keep on Rocking and doing it up large. All the best.
- Hunter says:
- September 2012 at 12:45
Saw you guys at the Tulsa, OK Scotfest 2012. It was awesome. Glad you came and I will definitely see you guys next year.
- Kristi says:
- September 2012 at 17:45
You were absolutely fantastic in Tulsa! Thank you so much for letting us play with you the evening of the 15th. We had a blast! Hope we can do it again next year! Kristi Oklahoma Scottish Pipes and Drums
- Brandie says:
- September 2012 at 15:30
OMG!!! Loved ya’ll in Tulsa. I never missed a performance while u guys were playing here. You guys freaking rocked. Your guitarist was awesome! See you all next year. Can’t wait for your next album. Your biggest Tulsa fan Brandie
- Janine says:
- September 2012 at 00:19
Spectacular!!!! Love you in Tulsa…see you again next year!
- Holly Wescott says:
- September 2012 at 20:39
You guys (and gals) rocked this weekend at the Tulsa Scottish Festival! Your performance was the highlight of the event. I love the new album, and thank you for the kind photo opp! You are as nice in person as you appear on stage–how awesome! Your new loyal fan, Holly in Oklahoma.
- Jessica says:
- September 2012 at 01:48
Ya’ll totally rocked Tulsa! So great to meet you after probably the best live show I’ve ever seen. Can’t wait till next time!
- Carol says:
- September 2012 at 08:02
Come to Victoria, Vancouver Island, B.C. Canada!!!
- Karen says:
- September 2012 at 21:11
just found you. please come to memphis TN!
- Erin says:
- September 2012 at 23:29
LOVED you guys last night!! Been watching videos and listening to your music all day today!! You really rocked it and were such an awesome addition to the highland games in Canmore! Will hopefully catch you guys again at the Canmore Hotel… You’re going to make it big in Canada! You were all so wonderfully down to earth and great to chat with as well. What you’re doing is absolutely brilliant!
- Carolyn and Rob says:
- September 2012 at 14:31
Bargefest Winnipeg: Wow! We loved the pipes and rock. What a super performance. I cannot believe you can pipe and twirl at the same time. The music was wonderful but your stage show will leave lasting memories. Please come back! We have both your CD’s and would have stayed for autographs but unfortunately for us,we had to leave early
- betty says:
- September 2012 at 07:25
Love love you guys in Winnipeg. Thank you for the great music wow! I would love to see you again in the Peg!!!
- Bob & Wendy McLeary says:
- September 2012 at 07:05
Loved the show at Bargefest in Winnipeg on 2 Sept, 2012. It was a great venue at the historic Forks with the band playing on the barge in the river and the boats & trains going by behind you. Celtica and the pipers really had a connection to 200th anniversary celebration of the arrival of the Selkirk Settlers from Scotland. The acustics were great and the pipes were tuned to perfection. Good on you mates. Hope to see you back again.
- Maria says:
- September 2012 at 05:59
Watched you at the Barge Festival tonight in Winnipeg, Manitoba. You guys were AWESOME!!! Fantastic sound, loved all your music and what a great band you have!!! The energy on stage rocked!!!! Keep up the great work, it is much appreciated!!!! All the best from Winnipeg, Maria
- Tawnee says:
- September 2012 at 05:58
My family and I went to the forks tonight (Winnipeg) to check out the music and I have to say, I love you guys after tonight, absolutely amazing. I can’t get over how unique and talented you guys are! Love your music <3
- Willie says:
- September 2012 at 05:28
An absolutely brilliant show at Bargefest @ the Forks, Winnipeg, Canada tonight! The setting on the river made it a perfect setting. Hope to see and hear more of you!!(01Sep/12) Best wishes, Willie L (The Jambo!)
- dave says:
- September 2012 at 05:25
Just saw you at Barge Fest in Winnipeg. Awesome show! Welcome to Canada! Danke schoen!!!
- eric says:
- August 2012 at 01:06
so happy I found you guys today “today” as your playing in Winnipeg , MB on Saturday Sept 2 I’m going to get to see you’s LIVE welcome to Canada and Manitoba
- Kilted Texan says:
- August 2012 at 23:36
Would love to see these guys, but they don’t seem to be coming to south Texas anytime soon. Houston would rock.
- Ingrun says:
- August 2012 at 23:54
Hi Eure Musik ist total super – Hätte nie gedacht dass Dudelsack und Rock zusammenpasst. Habe Euch live in Altena erlebt. Hoffe dass ich bald mal wieder bei einem Konzert von Euch dabei sein kann. VLG Ingrun
- Dani & Felix Schweiz says:
- August 2012 at 15:40
Wow, schon wieder einen solchen Abend. 2x Highländer Schweiz und jetzt Burgfolk Mühlheim an der Ruhr.Gibts was besseres als die Ultimative Steigerung des Hardrock,in die Schottischen Highlands? Wir Danken Euch für diesen umwerfenden Abend, mit dem anschliessenden Zusammensein am letzten Biertisch . Eure Schweizerfans Dani & Felix
- Tom says:
- August 2012 at 11:37
Right like @Karsten wrote Hope to see you again on Burgfolk Mülheim Best regards
- pidder says:
- August 2012 at 23:41
Auf diesem Wege möchte ich einmal ganz, ganz, ganz herzlich meinem Freund Gajus sagen. Leider erfahre ich immer wieder Ablehnungen, von Leuten, die mich nicht kennen, denn ich bin aufgrund von Muskelschwund fast völlig gelähmt, sitze im Rollstuhl, aber dieser Mann(Gajus) hat mit mir vor wenigen Wochen völlig ohne Vorurteile Freundschaft geschlossen, und mich darüber hinaus am 18. August, kurz nach meinem Geburtstag, persönlich angesprochen, vor dem Schloss Broich. Gajus kam sogar nach dem unvergesslichen Auftritt seiner Truppe zu der Rollstuhlfahrer-Tribüne, um mich und meine Begleiter kurz persönlich zu begrüßen, nachdem wirklich jeder von Celtica pipes rock mich sah, mich sehr herzlich empfangen hatte, und sich gemeinsam mit mir fotografieren ließ. Wahnsinn! Somit war ich für wenige Minuten einer von EUCH, meine Freunde! Ich werde immer wieder in meinen Sendungen auf http://www.baern-radio.de von meinen Freunden berichten. Versprochen. You are the greatest! DJ Pidder aus Bottrop
- Stefan says:
- August 2012 at 21:28
Just wanted to let you know I quite enjoyed your show at the Burgfolk festival :).
- Karsten says:
- August 2012 at 17:41
….haben euch gestern auf dem Burgfolk erlebt,und Ihr wart GROSSARTIG.Vielen Dank für diesen wunderbaren Auftritt. Wir sehen und hören euch bestimmt wieder.Gruss aus Mülheim
- Gabriela says:
- August 2012 at 11:14
I have seen u last night in Klagenfurt.You have 3 new Fans.Please come again to Klagenfurt.This kind of music is the best i have ever heard.I bought both CDs:-) And i am so proud that my ears hear this wonderful music of mystic and Rock.
- Silke says:
- August 2012 at 10:29
Hallo ihr sechs, war am Freitag bei eurer Show am Altstadtzauber. War sooo geil. Hoffe doch, dass ihr nächstes Jahr wieder kommt. IHR BRINGT DIE PUPPEN ZUM TANZEN!!!!!
- Vanessa says:
- August 2012 at 23:29
OMG! Habe euch heute in Klagenfurt gesehen. Einfach genial. Habe noch nie eine Band mit so viel Energie und so einer geilen Show gesehen. IHR SEID DER HAMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Steffen und Sabine says:
- August 2012 at 14:56
Hallo… Wir haben euch am Samstag und am Sonntag in Altena gesehen und sind sowas von begeistert das man ruhig sagen kann…es war das Highlight überhaupt. Eure cd läuft jetzt fast den ganzen Tag hoch und runter. Sogar unsere Tochter (8) ist total begeistert. Man hört nur noch aus ihrem Zimmer aye,aye Captain und das Holzschwert wird zur Gitarre. Versuchen in Mülheim wieder dabei zu sein. Ein Poster mit Autogrammen wäre sehr schön hihi…. Ganz liebe Grüße und vielen dank! Viel Glück in den Staaten! Ihr habt drei riesige Fans mehr jetzt!
- Sven says:
- August 2012 at 10:26
Hallo Celtica,eure Show war in Altena am Samstag so geil das ich am Sonntag nochmal gekommen bin um eure Show zusehen und vor allem zuhören IHR SEIT ECHT COOL und macht so ein Tempo Hut ab vor den Pipes… WEITER SO…
- Monika says:
- August 2012 at 10:26
hey leute, auch altena war ein gelungener abend. ihr seid einfach gigantisch, weltklasse. ich möchte mich bei duncan und josy bedanken, dass sie mir das letzte damenshirt rausgesucht haben. ich werde es in ehren halten. wir werden uns ganz sicher wiedersehen bis zum nächsten mal ganz liebe grüße reinhard und monika viel erfolg bei eurer usa-tournee
- Ruediger says:
- August 2012 at 10:06
Loved your show in altena last night. The best one on the festival at alles!
- Marvin Gladitsch says:
- August 2012 at 02:38
As I said a few hours ago: You were awesome!!! I try to arrange my day, so I can get the missing two autographs
- thetallcool1 says:
- July 2012 at 22:09
Just heard you for the first time on a podcast, you guys sound great! Will be buying the CD soon!
- Iris says:
- July 2012 at 07:31
Loved your performance on KMF! You guys rocked the stage! Oh and hope to see you guys on KMF next year. And I really liked my waterproof shirt and cd hihi.
- lino says:
- July 2012 at 21:31
Great show at the Celtic Midsommer Festival. Enjoyed your performance. Hope to see you perform again some day. Great music, Great show!
- Signe says:
- July 2012 at 14:49
Loved your music at KMF! hope to listen to you again. Greetz! Signe en Blizz
- adelheid says:
- July 2012 at 11:12
great band you are and thanx that our son could play the drums !! he is a big fan and wants to become a great drummer.
- Martijn says:
- July 2012 at 11:32
Celtica you ROCK!!! Enjoyed your performance yesterday at the Celtic Midsummer Festival in Bad Nieuweschans(NL)! But please don’t play AC/DC’s Thunder again…..the first time you played the song….thunder and rain. The second time you played it…guess again..thunder and rain. Do you have a magic bagpipe?? Then take the sunshine pipe next time we come to see you, what we certainly will!!! Martijn en Iris
- Olli says:
- June 2012 at 23:51
CELTICA RULES !!! Habe euch vor ein paar Wochen in Neuss am Rhein gesehen und gehört. War absolut spitze. Supergeile Performance und Musik. Die beiden CDs habe ich auch schon und das T-Shirt habe ich heute auch schon bestellt. Geile Show, geile Musik, werde euch auf jedenfall weiterempfehlen. Viele Grüße, Olli Multimedia-by-Olli
- Detlef says:
- June 2012 at 20:19
Hello! Saw you in Poyenberg – GREAT show! Now I hear every day “Oceans of Fire”. My favourite songs: “Cape Horn” and “The Piper and the Mermaid”! Hope see you soon again! THANKS a lot!!! to all members Detlef
- Oschkahr says:
- June 2012 at 20:12
Hallo zusammen, ich habe euch in Newchurch während den Tridays zum ersten, aber bestimmt nicht zum letzten Mal,gesehen und gehört. Ihr habt ein saugeiles klasse Konzert auf die Bühne gelegt. Gratulation. Vielleicht verschlägt es euch Mal in meine Heimat an den westlichen Bodensee. Oschkahr
- Petra says:
- June 2012 at 08:43
Von Eurem Auftritt in Newchurch (Tridays) waren wir echt schwer beeindruckt. Ihr ward der Höhepunkt dieses Events. Ich hoffe, ihr kommt mit eurer außergewöhnlich guten Show und Musik auch mal nach Vorarlberg! Liebe Grüße aus Bludenz Petra
- Jens says:
- June 2012 at 16:15
Hey, hab Euch, nach eurem Besuch in Landshut, jetzt bei den Tridays zum zweiten Mal live erlebt. Ihr wart wieder spitze. Hat Spass gemacht Eure Show zu sehen!! Grüße aus Niederbayern
- Layne B Landis says:
- June 2012 at 14:43
Hello Celtica I have just discovered your band and music just a few days ago. I have got to sat that I truly enjoy what I am hearing. The mix of Bagpipes and rock are just awesome. Rock On! Layne B Landis
- Frank Blümner says:
- June 2012 at 08:25
Hallo Celtica ! Hab Euch in Poyenberg zum ersten Mal gesehen und bin total begeistert. I love the Pipes! Schöne Show und tolle Ausstrahlung. Die beiden CD`s sind Klasse! In der Liste meiner Lieblings-Bands steigt Ihr von Null nach ganz weit oben. Alles Gute für Euch Frank
- Gabi says:
- May 2012 at 13:21
IHR SEIT EINZIGARTIG – EINFACH WELTKLASSE – WOW!!! Schon zum zweiten Mal haben wir euch in Asparn rocken gesehn, und es war wieder mal ein unvergessliches Erlebnis für die Sinne. Eure neue CD haben wir auch gleich wieder mitgenommen, damit Celtica – Rising zu Hause Verstärkung bekommt ;-). Hoff ihr plant Asparn wieder in eure Tour ein, würd uns sehr freuen……..
- Andrea & Paul says:
- May 2012 at 09:00
Hello everybody, a great show last night in Aspern/Zaya! You are special musician with amazing songs. Keep it up! Greetings from the Weinviertel, Andrea and Paul!
- Donald Fisher ( Donald Fisher says:
- May 2012 at 07:39
Wow – what nice surpise in my mailbox today. Many thank to the band for putting together another great CD ( I’m listening to it now many thanks again for the great music. – – – Donald Fisher ( New Zealand ).
- Birger says:
- May 2012 at 20:59
Hey, das war eine sensationelle Show in Neuss. Vielen Dank und weiterhin viel Erfolg, Birger
- Ian says:
- May 2012 at 09:22
hey gus and girls of course. i saw you on sat 19/may Hohenlimburg schloss. AWSOME thanks very much… Ian
- Monika says:
- May 2012 at 17:10
Hey, das war am samstag abend am schloß ein absolutes highlight für meinen freund und mich. hoffe wir können uns nächstes jahr wieder auf euch freuen. mal sehen, ob wir es schaffen, anfang august nach altena zu kommen. ganz liebe grüße monika + reinhard
- Larry says:
- May 2012 at 20:21
Hello Celtica! We ( myself and my daughter ) saw you today on KeltFest in Dordrecht. Well…. what can i say! … You’ve got two more fans!! Great music… Great show! And most important….you are very nice persons! Thnx for a great gig! and a wonderful day! Hope to see you soon! Grtz! Larry and Chloë
- Davy says:
- May 2012 at 19:21
Seen Celtica for the first time today at the Keltfest in Dordrecht (Netherlands). They where very very good. An awesome live performance. Just at home and the first thing i checked was there webside. Defently want to them more!!!!
- Thomas + Dirk (Oerry) says:
- May 2012 at 16:39
Hi Gajus . Gestern auf Schloss Hohenlimburg habt ihr wieder alles gegeben. Vor allen Dingen uns einen unvergesslich genialen Abend. Vielen Dank dafür. Bis im August auf Burg Altena. CELTICA rocks our life Thomas Und Dirk (Oerry)
- Oerry (Rolli) says:
- May 2012 at 14:50
Hey Ihr lieben, ich hoffe Ihr seit gut zu Hause angekommen. Ich wolle mich noch einmal ganz herzlich bei Euch bedanken, für den gestrigen Abend in Hagen auf Schloss Hohenlimburg. Es war ein Super toller Abend und ein ganz tolles Konzert. Gruß Oerry (Rolli)
- Wolf says:
- May 2012 at 09:33
Vielen Dank für den schönen Abend und die geile Music auf dem Schloß Hohenlimburg in Hagen………..See you
- pidder says:
- May 2012 at 23:09
ich habe euch gestern im Internet gefunden, als ich nach origineller schottischer Musik suchte. Ich bin begeistert. Und ich werde so schnell wie möglich in unserem Radio http://www.baern-radio.de etwas von eurer Musik spielen. Versprochen. Natürlich brauche ich dazu noch die CDs, die ich heute bestellt habe. Euer pidder
- Sascha says:
- May 2012 at 23:04
Vielen lieben Dank für das T-Shirt was ich auf Schloss Hülchrath bekommen habe. Es war sehr schön mit Euch und ich freue mich auf Altena mit Euch. LG Sascha
- Mike says:
- May 2012 at 10:17
Hi Gajus! Hab grad die neue Cd genossen-ihr seid auf dem richtigen Weg! Coming Home ist genial, paßt genial zu Urlaub-Fotoshows…Freu mich auf euer Concert im Chelsea. Gratulations zum Konzept und den Songs. Grüsse an alle von Deinem Bruder Mike
- Travis says:
- May 2012 at 01:26
I’m going to try and go see celtica in tulas, Oklahoma, USA in september.
- Jason Gunn says:
- April 2012 at 19:01
Awesome!!!!! Can’t wait to see you in Tulsa!
- Craig says:
- April 2012 at 22:25
Saw you guys on U Tube. Awesome! Cant wait to see ya in the USA Charlotte NC area hopefully someday.
- Sean says:
- April 2012 at 03:02
Just stumbled on to you guys. I have one word for you Amazing hope to catch you while your in the U.S. this year hoping even more you find some midwest dates Indiana would be good. Keep it up you guys rock!
- Sorin Iacob says:
- April 2012 at 21:00
Hi,Celtica After I watched you and The Scottish Bagpiper’s Corps in Red Square Parade on youtube I bought an bagpipe.Not expensive one but ok after I replaced some parts in a Vancouver store.Anyway I don’t now at all how to play it.Hard for me even to blow air in to full bag. Welcome to Canada in september ,in Canmore. I think Canada is the right place for you.Canmore area is a nature beauty.You should allow few days to visit around,like Kananaskis Country,Banf,Morraine lake a must,a drive on Icefields Parkway to Jasper. Waiting for you in Vancouver. all the best Sorin
- mcgraw says:
- March 2012 at 01:41
oH my god how have i not heard you before i am scottish and proud of it i have always thought the pipes (ROCK) the same as me do keep up the good work the world needs the scots
- Bill says:
- February 2012 at 01:09
Found your cd while browsing on CD Baby and just got it today in the mail. All I can say is WOW! I’m only 4 hours from Tulsa, OK so I’m looking forward wot seeing you live in September. Can’t wait for the new cd release in May!!
- Andreè says:
- January 2012 at 15:00
Hi!!! wollte nur schnell schreiben das ich mich Freue euch am 18 – 19 Mai 2012 in Hohenlimburg am (im) Schloss zusehen http://www.schloss-hohenlimburg-keltic-festival.de/virtual/SchlossInnenhof.html bei dem was ich hier Lesen Hören und Sehen durfte !!! Ich Wünsche euch eine gute anreise und lasst das Schloss stehen Liebe Grüße aus Hohenlimburg Andreè
- padraig says:
- December 2011 at 22:20
Hi guys! I just have seen your videos on youtube and it sounds so great! when will you come in Paris France? i’m absolutly sure you’d have a great success. Go on playing this way!
- Mike says:
- December 2011 at 06:08
Awesome Music. Keep up the good work!!!!!
- Marco Dragon B. says:
- November 2011 at 14:27
You are so EPIC! I’m astounded by your way of making music… You are the ONES! Greets from Venice (Italy) Marco M.R. Dragon B.
- Marta Nicolin says:
- October 2011 at 19:53
Hi from Chiampo, Italy! Still thinking about your performance a few days ago, it was totally wicked. Hope to see you perform again some day, but for now I’ve got your CD! Thanks, Marta.
- Mibo says:
- September 2011 at 06:08
Wir haben Euch in Machern gesehen. Na ja ….. Das Wetter war schlecht aber IHR wart supi Vielen dank für den schönen Abend. Alles Gute und VIEL Erfolg weiterhin!!!!!! Liebe Grüße MiBo
- Queen of the Mountains says:
- September 2011 at 14:19
I love Lord of the strings!!!!
- Paul Bosch van Drakestein says:
- September 2011 at 14:59
Yesterday I saw you in Hank, Brabant, Holland, and my girlfriend and I enjoyed your music and performance ennormously! What a boost of energy! I hope you will some more oftenly to Holland!
- Iris says:
- August 2011 at 07:31
ich muss schon sagen,das konzert gerstern in studen,hat mir die schuhe ausgezogen,es war so cool.eure musikalisches genie und die feuershow…..hammer. danke für die alten songs. wünsche euch weiterhin viel erfolg
- Melanie says:
- August 2011 at 13:37
Hi ihr ! ich hab euch am altstadtzauber in klagenfurt gesehn, wahnsinn, einfach genial, spitze,… mir fehlen die worte, ihr seit super!! hab auch schon eine cd bestellt, aber leider noch keine daten bzgl. bezahlung und lieferung erhalten… ich will ganz dringend eine cd von euch!! glg melanie
- Renato Pacchione says:
- August 2011 at 12:32
Cgieti (Italy) 14 August 2011 … simply fantastic U’re the best!!!! Ur music comes from the skin, bones runs, runs in your blood and…….. and the body begins to dance
- christian says:
- August 2011 at 14:31
war wieder ein super konzert von euch in klagenfurt. freue mich schon auf eure auftritte in der nähchsten zeit. lg. christian(steyr)
- heman the best says:
- August 2011 at 08:32
Hallo zusammen, ich habe euch beim Altstadtzauber in Klagenfurt gesehen (leider nur die letzten minuten),hoffentlich kommt ihr bald wieder nach Kärnten, da mir eure musik sehr gut gefällt. liebe Grüsse Hermann
- werner says:
- August 2011 at 20:59
Wir möchten uns bei euch für die wunderschöne Darbietung,dei ihr am Klagenfurter Altstadtzauber dargeboten habt,recht herzlich bedanken,es war ein einmaliges wunderschönes Gefühl, eurer Musik zu lauschen und sich mitreissen zu lasen,danke, euch allen,weiterhin viel Erfolg und alles gute
- Ani says:
- August 2011 at 01:03
hey there! we’ve seen you today at Altstadtzauber in Klagenfurt. you guys are awesome! we loved your show! keep on rockin’! greets
- Chrissi says:
- August 2011 at 23:21
ihr und eure musik seid einfach wahnsinn ! LG aus Klagenfurt Chrissi
- August 2011 at 20:40
Ich habe schon vieles mit Pipes gehört. Wir hatten schon verschiendenste Bands (auch die Red Hot Chillipipers) bei unseren Highland-Games spielen lassen können. ABER: Celitca ist für mich:Der absolute Hammer! Als Vize Präsidet von unserem Verein, mit grösster Empfehlung !!!
- Laura says:
- August 2011 at 15:10
Saw you yesterday in Altena- I was even sitting on the desk right next to you :D!! Really enjoyed your version of Beethoven’s “Freude schöner Götterfunken” greetings from rainy Sauerland ;D
- Andi75 says:
- August 2011 at 18:04
Hiiiiii, habe euch in Fehraltdorf am Highland-games gesehen. Das war ein ssssensationelllles, voll geiles Konzert!!!!!!!! Hammerstark!!!!!! Very special Performance, the Fireshow, the music, allllllll!!! thanx alot. regards Andi75
- Rick and Heike says:
- August 2011 at 17:55
Just got back from Altena…. Celtica live.!!! Super music with that ‘something’ special.!!! Good luck with your other gigs See ya. Slain. ps- Keep in contact- May 2012. Hope I can get things sorted!!!
- Roger says:
- August 2011 at 14:14
Habe Euch im August in Fehraltorf/Schweiz an den Highland Games gesehen und war hin und weg, ebenso wie meine Freunde. Geniale Show grossartiger Sound. wir hoffen, euch bald wieder live erleben zu dürfen und wünschen euch alles Gute sowie viel Erfolg Mit den besten grüssen Roger
- Massimo says:
- August 2011 at 19:57
Seen you in Sarnico (Italy) last sunday. Wonderful and exciting performance, you are sensational! My 4 year old daughter, Ginevra, loves so much Gajus and Duncan; and never stops to listen to your cd!!!
- Janfresko says:
- July 2011 at 17:33
Seen you yesterday in Vernasca, “Baschereis 2011″. Amazing sound, great performance, really inspiring. Wait to see you guys on a live tour… Good Luck! P.S. Your CD is running continously from this morning!
- Barbara says:
- July 2011 at 19:26
Hi i love ur songs !! Me and my friend just listen ur songs on youtube and we love it <3 <3 <3 !! Plz can u come to Croatia again !! This was my e-mail for Celtica group i love <3 <3 and they asked if i wanted to publish it here and i did
- Albert M der nikonfotografierer says:
- July 2011 at 20:22
Ich habe euch wieder in Angelbach gesehen und auch wie letzten Jahr voll begeistert. Auf die versprochene CD mit Bildern müsst ihr euch noch 1-2 Wochen gedulden aber ihr bekommt sie garantiert.
- July 2011 at 21:37
Einfach ein hammergeiles Konzert am Samstag (musste leider am Sonntag für den Bühnenabbau vorschlafen)….. ich war echt begeistert ….. mir habt ihr besser gefallen als die “Red Hot Chili Pipers” die ich mir letztes Jahr mal angesehen habe Macht weiter so und ich hoffe man sieht sich das nächste Jahr wieder ….. Ach und noch gute Besserung an euren Bagpiper LG vom Psycho-Schwein
- Beni says:
- July 2011 at 17:03
Hey, geile Show in Angelbachtal, super Performance einfach super. Rockt weiter!!!
- Sebastian says:
- July 2011 at 10:06
Hallo Celticas, hab euch bei den Highland Games in Angelbachtal gesehen. War ein Hammer Konzert. Habe dazu http://www.leben-im-kraichgau.de auch ein paar Fotos gefunden. Viele Grüsse, Seb
- Markus u. Sabine says:
- July 2011 at 16:41
Hi Celticas, waren gerade bei den Highland-Games in Angelbachtal, SUPER!!!
- Ela says:
- July 2011 at 14:55
Habe euch heute in Angelbachtal gesehen. Es paßt einfach alles; Musik und Outfit sind klasse. Leider habe ich das Konzert am Vorabend nicht mitbekommen. Aber da kannte ich Euch ja auch noch nicht. Werde auf jeden Fall wieder dabei sein wenn Celtica in der Nähe einen Auftritt hat. Bis dahin höre ich halt die CD. Keep on rocking. Liebe Grüße Ela
- Heiko und Freunde says:
- July 2011 at 00:10
Hi, super was Ihr heute bei den Highland Games in Angelbachtal auf der Bühne gezaubert habt. ich hoffe Euch hat der Abend genau so viel Spaß gemacht wie uns. Geniale Performance und eine super Bühnen Show,abgerundet von den Feuer Einlagen. Von der ersten bis zur letzten Minute kam keine lange Weile auf. Danke für die ausgedehnten Zugaben, Ihr hättet auch noch 2 Stunden oder länger spielen können . Was ich mir noch wünschen würde, ein wenig mehr Vocal in Eurem aktuellen Programm. Instrumental incl. der Solos ein Genuss für die Ohren, ein wenig mehr Gesang würde das gesamte Programm noch mehr aufwerten. Ich denke Ihr habt noch eine große Zukunft vor Euch und ich wünschen Euch alles Gute für die Zukunft. Ich freue mich Euch hoffentlich im nächsten Jahr wieder sehen zu können auf den Highland Games. liebe Grüße
- Gerda u. Ludwig says:
- June 2011 at 08:15
DANKE! Es war einfach ein Wahnsinn euch beim Steyrer Stadtfest zu hören. Wir wussten nicht wirklich was uns erwartet und waren dann aber ÜBERWÄLTIGT! Pipes and Rock muss man gehört haben. Mitklatschen (man konnte ja gar nicht anders), tanzen, hüpfen und mitsingen – man musste von Anfang bis zum Schluss mitmachen – das ging ganz automatisch, weil der Sound einfach geil ist!!! Auch Josy´s Feuershow war super. Wir hoffen euch bald wieder zu sehen und zu hören! Liebe Grüße aus Steyr, Gerda und Ludwig
- susi says:
- June 2011 at 08:12
Hi Celtica, wundervoll gestern in steyr, sensationelle buehnenshow, also wenns geht bald wieder kommen.
- peter says:
- June 2011 at 22:37
Hai Folks, I looked at your dates that you come to the Netherlands to play at 4 september in Hank! We also play there in a medieval setting and also in a rock setting on stage. We hope to meet your there and drunk some keltic beer together! By the way, you playing good rocking music! Slan Agad,, Peter
- Carol says:
- June 2011 at 19:46
Saw you all in Vienna last week, total surprise and absolutely brilliant, never heard rock music played on bagpipes before…made my visit the more memorable, will def be telling my friends about you guys! Best wishes Carol
- Aurora says:
- June 2011 at 13:07
WOW!!!I saw you randomly in Vienna and i was so excited: Best perfomance of the festival I looooooove you
- brighid says:
- May 2011 at 14:31
Asparn /Zaya Yeah! Voigas!!! war wieder ein Highlight! Hat Spaß gemacht – hüpfen was das Zeug hält :)) Danke nochmals
- Thomas Lieser says:
- May 2011 at 16:46
Glad I could listen to you in Vienna (will probably be in Mauerbach to see\listen to a complete set). I took some pictures of your show: http://www.flickr.com/photos/onkel_wart/sets/72157626832747406/ Let me know if you have any objections (I’ll take them off my website) or whether you want some of the shots…
- Brian Sands says:
- May 2011 at 19:52
I had never heard of you, but I enjoyed hearing your music today in Vienna. I will without a doubt get a CD!!!!
- maz says:
- March 2011 at 19:31
fab cd lots of tunes my late highland grandmother used to sing ,especially orange and blue a real old favourite ,thank you all ,and may you have great success.xx
- Celtic Voice Radio Weser TV Bremerhaven, Udo Wilms says:
- February 2011 at 14:32
Hi Guys Danke fuer Eure CD. Top Sound. Ihr werdet in unserer Show zu den regelmaessigen gehoeren, versprochen.
- Volker says:
- January 2011 at 04:25
Hey ich habe euch bei schottenradio gehört. Ihr seid so geil. Das gibts gar nicht. Weiter so.
- Tina says:
- January 2011 at 15:55
Hi – Piperockers! Mein Bruder Martin ist gerade mit dem Moped durch Indien unterwgs und hat dort Euren Bandleader kennen gelernt und uns Eure Homepage bzw. Eure Mugge empfohlen – er hat nicht zu viel versprochen! Geniale Aufmachung! Kompliment!! Grüßle, T!na
- Martin – Kerala says:
- January 2011 at 10:30
Hi ! dann schick ich mal direkt vom Strand einen Gruss ins Gästebuch. Ich bin der Typ der die Fotos von den neuen Bannern gemacht hat. Beste Grüsse vom indischen Strand…. möglicherweise aber mittlerweile schon wieder zurück in Deutschland Martin …. !
- John says:
- December 2010 at 16:06
Just found you and love what you are doing keep it up! Happy new year!
- Marianne says:
- December 2010 at 17:40
Merry Christmas my friends! Kisses
- Keith says:
- December 2010 at 00:52
Excellent all round Gajus. Hope to hell you can get to Rock Ness or T in the Park here in Scotland. I’m sure you would go down a bundle. Any chance of hearing more of Josy’s vocals? Slainte
- Sari says:
- November 2010 at 11:23
Thanks for the great performance at Molly Darcy’s on the 19th of November. I’m now back in Finland and listening to the cd.
- Marianne says:
- October 2010 at 20:12
Hello guys! I wanna to tell you I’m a new your fan because you are really good …… you do a really beautiful music … Since I heard your music in Chiampo I loved you!! Congratulations …. I hope to hear soon in another your concert …. kisses from Italy! Marianne
- andrew gratton says:
- October 2010 at 23:41
Very awsome stuff! im a huge metal head and this stuff is killer!!!!!!!!!! my guys in the band will love it!!! BAGPIPEs!!!!!! kick ass!!!!!!
- Don Fisher ( New Zealand ) says:
- October 2010 at 09:31
Awsome CD. Thanks for sending it over to me. One day when I’m rich I willl like to fly over there to see the Celtica in concert. Can’t wait for the next CD comes out. Keep up the awsome music. Me from New Zealand
- Barbara says:
- October 2010 at 13:01
Hi, Dudelsack DUO: die beiden haben was drauf-echt genial – nur weiter so – tolle Kombination diese Band, war ein super Konzert in Wien -Okt.2010 Man freut sich auf ein weiteres… glg Babsi
- Börgi says:
- October 2010 at 11:05
Servus, super auftritt in landshut beim spektakel!! euere musik ist nur noch geniaaaaaal, einfach nur mitreissend euere cd läuft nur rauf und runter wann gibts die nächste cd? (aw bitte per email) grüße aus landshut
- M.P.Seamore says:
- September 2010 at 21:06
Servus beinander,leider können wir nicht nach Wien kommen.HEUL.HEUL.Aber ich werde alles daran setzen Celtica wieder nach Bayern zu holen.Deshalb bitte ich alle mich zu unterstützen.Es gibt in Bad Reichenhall das bekannte Magazin 4,die Inadresse für gute Musik.Wenn wir alle eine email an office@kukst.de schicken ,mit der Bitte -Celtica Pipes Rock -nach Bayern zu holen,wird das geschehen.Also Fans aus Bayern und Umland helft mir den Wunsch wahr werden zu lassen.Ich werde nächste Woche auch Österreich aktivieren.Wenn wir alle zusammenhalten ,funktioniert das.Es ist mir eine Ehre dies zu tun ,nach dem Konzert in LA.Und da ich jetzt Gajus und Josy näher kennenlernen durfte umsomehr.Auf gehts.Danke im Vorraus sagt der bayerische Extremsportler und Schriftsteller Markus Parthe c/o M.P.Seamore
- Harry Deiter says:
- September 2010 at 15:12
Nice job, I love me some Gwendolen the magic piping beauty.
- gabriela says:
- September 2010 at 08:37
hallo ihr ich bzw. wir haben den auftritt in landshut auch sehr genossen…wir waren gestern auf einem mps und dort hat tatsächlich eine andere band einen song von euch gespielt also ihr begeistert nicht nur uns, sondern auch andere bands….das ist dann wohl lob genug!!! weiterhin viel erfolg und auf ein wiedersehen 2011
- Felix says:
- September 2010 at 14:50
hallo celtica vielen dank für die autogramme von euch. ihr macht wirklich eine saugute musik. ich hoffe das war nicht euer letzter auftritt in landshut. viele grüße felix
- Verena says:
- September 2010 at 17:55
heyy ihr, ich hab mir sofort ne CD gekauft als ich auch beim Stadt-Spektakel in Landshut gesehen hab! Und ich hab mich echt über eure Autogramme gefreut! Ich freue mich auf´s nächste Jahr und hoffe ihr seid dabei! Liebe grüße Verena
- Edeltraud says:
- September 2010 at 14:03
Hallo Ihr von Celtica, ich habe drei Auftritte von Euch beim Landshuter Stadtspektakel gesehen. Ihr wart jedesmal echt super. Mich hat schon lange keine Band mehr so fasziniert wie Ihr. Hab’ mir auch gleich Eure CD gekauft, die ist wirklich empfehlenswert. Bitte kommt bald wieder mal nach Landshut und bringt unbedingt wieder Jonny aus Edinburgh mit. Alles Gute für die Zukunft und liebe Grüße aus Landshut Edeltraud
- Thomas P. says:
- September 2010 at 10:33
Hey Ihr, euer Auftritt Samstag Abend in Landshut war der Hammer, lange her dass mich eine Band so begeistert hat. Wünsch euch viel Erfolg in eurer Zukunft. Hoffentlich landet Ihr auch wieder mal in Landshut. Macht weiter so… Thomas
- birgit says:
- September 2010 at 21:28
hallo celtica, ich hab euch gestern 2mal in landshut gehört und muss sagen ich bin absolut begeistert von euch!!!! eure musik ist einfach nur genial und ihr spielt mit soviel begeisterung, dass man gar nicht anders kann als mittanzen!!! ich hoffe ihr seid öfter mal im schönen bayern, damit ich euch noch ganz oft sehen kann!! vielen, vielen dank für die schönen stunden gestern! macht noch ewig so weiter!!!! glg birgit
- Mona says:
- September 2010 at 18:38
Super performance am Landshuter Stadtspektakel. Ich hoffe, es gibt demnächst noch eine weitere CD. Mona
- M.P.Seamore says:
- September 2010 at 22:31
Ganz ehrlich. Ich bekomm jetzt noch keine Luft von eurer Darbietung in Landshut. Ihr ward so beeindruckend. Obwohl ich aus der Salzburger Gegend komme kannte ich euch zu meiner Schande noch nicht. Aber das hat sich ja heute schlagartig geändert. Es war für mich denkwürdige Ereignis. So wie ich mich kenne werde ich bestimmt eines meiner nächsten Bücher in den Highlands spielen lassen. Und wenn ich darf, euch als Inspiration erwähnen. Ich bin euch zu tiefem Dank verpflichtet. Und “Küss die Hand, Josy” für unser anregendes Gespräch. Es grüsst euch der Schriftsteller und Extremsportler M.P.Seamore
- gigi says:
- September 2010 at 08:26
pipes rules…
- nela says:
- September 2010 at 12:07
..it would be a crime if U dont show up in croatia again..
- Ana says:
- September 2010 at 19:35
Tnx for the amazing shows in Varazdin! Been on 3 of your shows and you were absolutely amazing every single time! Really hope to see you sometime soon, or at least next year in Varazdin! You were definitley the best perfromers on Spancir!!!!
- leo di gesperi says:
- August 2010 at 10:08
hello celtica thx for visiting varazdin, I hope that soon you will be on beer again! hug for my gwenn -she wil take me to the highway to hell lol (love you gwendolen)! And my cheffin brankica stll incharm in gajus.. c ya around…josey: i dont forget you and the fire…. zivjeli
- photografer says:
- August 2010 at 22:27
thanks for playing and saticfaction…claudia swiss countryside….smile
- Doctor says:
- August 2010 at 20:50
I was on your concert in Varaždin. I was watching 2 of your concerts and I was extremly suprised with your perform. I watched you last year…I hope that you will come back next year. Say hello to all of members of CELTICA! Bye
- dinamicman says:
- August 2010 at 20:23
See you last two days in Varazdin. Great play and performance! Even on rainy day :-)) Amazing! Today didnt make to see you and i am sad You leaving. Maybe one more play tomorrow around 21:00 :-))
- Kranich says:
- August 2010 at 16:34
Ich habe euch am 25.08.2010. in Varazdin auf dem Spancirfest bewundern dürfen. Ihr wart klasse!!!! Hoffe ihr seid auch das nächste Jahr dabei!!! Viel Erfolg und liebe Grüsse! Kranich
- Damjan says:
- August 2010 at 11:28
You are great. I hope that you’ll be at the Varaždin next year!
- Marijan says:
- August 2010 at 11:04
Great performance at Spancirfest Varazdin, Croatia. Best regards !
- anchi says:
- August 2010 at 23:26
Great great show!! Špancirfest Varaždin, CRO Varaždin loves u!!!!
- Mima says:
- August 2010 at 23:12
I just wanted to say that you’re by far one of the best bands I’ve ever had the opportunity to listen to live! Great performance in Varazdin on Spancirfest today and yesterday (even though it rained ), but as I’ve seen – nothing can stop you from making a great show. I wish you all the best and many more concerts like this one! And I hope I’ll get the chance to see you again somewhere (maybe here in Varazdin again)… Rock on!
- Dorotea says:
- August 2010 at 23:04
You guys were absolutely wicked tonight! I’m definitely looking forward to tomorrow’s performance! The medley of “Parni Valjak” caught everybody by surprise! That was really neat of you! I hope you’ll come back to Varaždin next year as well! Cheers from Croatia!
- bojan says:
- August 2010 at 23:01
Thanks for great show in Varazdin Spancirfest tonight. Girls & lad’s carry on, looking forward to see your tomorrow performance. Bojan
- Jadre & Niki says:
- August 2010 at 22:54
Toller Auftritt in unserer schönen Stadt Varaždin! Your gig was the best we’ve seen lately on Spancir Festival! Wir hoffen dass ihr wieder zurück kommt! LG
- Slobodan says:
- August 2010 at 22:28
You are the best……. Hallo from croatia from Varazdin ( Špancir fest )
- Manuel says:
- August 2010 at 20:28
Great Show @ Golser Volksfest on 18.08.2010! Wonderful Mix between pibes and Rock Guitars! Schöne Grüße aus Purbach am Neusiedlersee!
- Chiara says:
- August 2010 at 00:05
You’re the best players that I’ve ever seen in my life..!! You’ll be forever in my heart..I hope I’ll see you again the next year here for the Buskers festival..!! Greetings from Santa Sofia.. Lots of love.. Chiara
- michele says:
- August 2010 at 12:51
santa sofia has to say to all the celtica groups: we all hope u come again the next years!!!
- FaBiO95bOrgO! says:
- August 2010 at 19:10
CELTICAAAAAAAAAAAA…..xD…Siete grandi!!very good your new CD Rising…I bought it in Neustift…
- Delia&Andrea says:
- July 2010 at 12:28
looking forward to seeing your performance tonight in Sarnico! Welcome!
- Sara says:
- July 2010 at 10:17
25 july 2010 See you yesterday in Vernasca, original and very very involving show. Great music and good musicians. See you today again.
- Mario says:
- July 2010 at 08:17
Hab euch in Angelbachtal erlebt, Rising-CD gekauft,einige Nachbarn im Wohnblock schauen mich strafend an, habe leichten Tinnitus in beiden Ohren und immer einen glücklichen Gesichtsausdruck. Ich bereue nichts!! a Waaahnsinn
- harry-joe says:
- July 2010 at 10:53
Freu mich schon auf Euren Auftritt in Neustift am 28.7.2010! Endlich mal was cooles beim Musikkarusell! nehmt genug CD´s mit! lg harry-joe
- Albert M. says:
- July 2010 at 08:29
Als ich letzten Sonntag in Angelbachtal den Park betrat, wart ihr gerade am Spielen.Mein erster Gedanke Hier spielt Hevia. Also sofort hin.Ich war sofort absolut begeistert. Die Mischung aus trationellem und Rock in Abwechslung gehen sofort ins Ohr. Bevor es langweilig wird,wird gewechselt Das kannte ich nur von Mike Oldfield. Die CD ist sehr zu empfehlen. Übrigens Ihr seit viel besseer wie Hevia Weiter so. Gruß Albert M.
- Claudia says:
- July 2010 at 12:38
Der Wahnsinn! Haben euch letztes Wochenende zum ersten Mal in Angelbachtal gehört. Tolle Musik – hab mir sofort die CD bestellt. Die CD ist ein MUSS für jeden der auf Rock und Dudelsack steht. fantastic show – weiter so!!!!! liebe Grüße Claudia
- CelticDragon says:
- July 2010 at 11:57
Great gig at Silentium (Mauerbach) last night… Thoroughly enjoyed… Need more gigs in Vienna…
- tarasonne says:
- July 2010 at 10:52
Great! Fantastic! Thank you for this evening on the 2nd of July in Mauerbach!
- Imperator says:
- June 2010 at 13:51
Freitag den 2.Juli ist es soweit. Endlich können wir Euch sehen und hören. Wir freuen uns schon darauf. Auch auf die CD welche ihr bei uns vorstellt. Liebe Grüße vom Imperator
- ValentinaPennabilli says:
- June 2010 at 19:39
Hi Gayus <3! I haven’t been able to resist of visiting this site, shows you did at the festival Artisti In Piazza in Pennabilli fascinated me even more than the past, you are great, keep it up! Kisses Valentina From Pennabilli
- davide says:
- June 2010 at 18:49
I’m watching and listening you now in Pennabilli!!!! Congratulation! Davide (Roma, It)
- Jutta says:
- June 2010 at 11:25
Hallo, war bei eurem Auftritt in Asparn/Zaya – bin schwer begeistert von eurer Musik. Habe mir gleich die CD gekauft und kann mir so diese tolle Stimmung ins Wohnzimmer holen. Bitte plant Asparn bei eurer nächsten Tour wieder ein! Lg Jutta
- Walter says:
- June 2010 at 22:16
Hallo Zieh mir grad die Neue CD rein die ich mir im Shop bestellt habe. Die Lieferzeit von Bestellung bis zum Erhalt ist echt schnell. Zur Cd selbst – ist echt der Oberhammer, kanns nur jeden empfehlen. Macht weiter so und bringt bald noch mehr CD`s und vielleicht auch DVD´s raus. Lg aus Mistelbach Walter
- brighid says:
- June 2010 at 14:58
Ein supertoller Event in Aspern. Hat uuuuuuuuuurviel Spaß gemacht. Wir wollen mehr davon!!! Ihr habt Euch uns “Mädels” aus Hauskirchen mitten ins Herz gerockt. glg Brigitte Julia und Romana
- Sebastian says:
- June 2010 at 09:01
hallo gajus! wir haben am vergangenen samstag (1.juni 2010)im filhof asparn euer konzert miterleben dürfen.wir waren schwer beeindruckt! ein absolutes highlight war dein gitarrensolo, einfach weltklasse! nun haben wir auf youtube ein paar videos von euch gefunden. wir haben auch nach einem gitarrensolo von dir gesucht, damit wir unseren freunden zeigen können, was ihnen noch entgangen ist.leider sind wir nicht fündig geworden. vielleicht kann die fangemeinde bei der suche behilflich sein?! wir wünschen euch weiterhin viel erfolg! mit besten grüßen sebastian
- Leslie says:
- January 2016 at 04:23
I love your music! Its awesome! I hope you guys make it to the Florida panhandle some day! I would love to see your show in person!
- Abernathy Clan says:
- December 2015 at 00:22
Thanks for much for all you do. My brother and I love your music. Please come back to the USA! We Want To Rock! Sam & Todd
- Arkadiusz from Rybnik PL says:
- November 2015 at 23:43
Best music 4ever !!
- Bill Douglas says:
- November 2015 at 22:04
When are you going to come back to tour the USA?
- LairdM says:
- November 2015 at 10:37
Only just discovered you guys. Why has it taken me so long! You guys are AWESOME!!!! Taking the pipes to a whole new level and audience. Now have two favourite pipe-rock bands – you guys and RHCP.
- Brian Charles says:
- October 2015 at 05:37
Hi would love to see you in New Zealand. Just love hearing the pipes, nothing more soothing.
- Teresa Turner says:
- October 2015 at 18:13
My first Galway Bay Celtic Music Festival & Celtica rocked it!!! Thanks for a great time!
- Peter says:
- October 2015 at 01:09
Hi Celtica – bought your cd, great music!…come to Australia some time..we have many Celtic festivals here..Glen Innes in April/May is probably the biggest and best..hope to see you here sometime.
- OddShade says:
- October 2015 at 13:05
Hey, you’re great band! Do you perform in England or Scotland where I could come and see / listed you? I see no UK’s events at all in your calendar…
- seks telefon says:
- August 2015 at 17:19
Great band and music!
- Detlef says:
- August 2015 at 10:26
Hi Band, euer Abwechslungsreichtum ist großartig: mal geht es mit der ganzen Truppe powervoll vorwärts, mal gibt es virtuose Höhenflüge (Gaius!! Aya!) oder melancholische Einlagen (Jane, I had tears in my eyes.), mal musikalische Duelle. Überzeugendes eigenes Material, Covers von witzig (“Star Wars”) bis ernsthaft (“Thunder”). Hinterher dann Merchandising & Fancare satt. Many thanks for the optimism in your music as well as in your appearance that helped me a lot. Thanks for Mülheim/Ruhr. Thanks for Telgte. Und es geht weiter: HH scheint möglich. ICE und U-Bahn fast bis vor die Haustür des MPS! DO sowieso. Und es jetzt gibt es einen 2016-Termin in Hagen. Great! Gruß aus DO, Detlef.
- Fedora says:
- August 2015 at 11:16
Back home after Dresden MPS and Celtica still rocks! You’re great! We hope to see you soon.
- Arno says:
- August 2015 at 13:44
Saw you in Wacken on the Wackinger Stage. Great show, gals and guys! Thank you!
- Barry Fountain says:
- July 2015 at 18:08
I was first introduced to you when I saw ‘Atholl highlanders live in Arizona’ on a friends social network page. I liked the sound so looked up ‘Celtica’ saw the ‘pipes rock’ tag and then had a listen. It was ‘Whisky in the Jar’ filmed in New York and I enjoyed it very much and wanted more. Now I have several tracks from Legends and Visions on my SD card which plays in the car.
- Ray Mootsey says:
- July 2015 at 02:35
Hello all, I am in the US, found you on you tube, I think you are amazing,I have no Celtic blood but I love the pipes and rock. Celtica has turned my world around, Please keep Jamming, best wishes Ray
- Christy says:
- July 2015 at 14:37
I loved your live video, I truly hope to see you in Atlanta, GA, USA someday!
- Fred van den Bor says:
- July 2015 at 11:51
Thank you for the magnificent shows Celtica Pipes Rock has given last weekend at the Keltisch Midzomer Festival in Bad Nieuweschans, Holland!
- Wayne says:
- June 2015 at 20:03
You’ll need to come back to Houston!!!!!!
- Jo + Asti says:
- June 2015 at 00:32
WTF!! Nachdem wir uns 2 Stunden in Hanau HOT STUFF auf einem ValiumTrip erlebt habe, sind wir erst die letzten 20 min zu euch gestoßen, und haben bemerkt, das wir etwas großes und magisches verpasst haben Wir werden nach Eppstein kommen, um euch in voller Länge zu erleben HammerHammergeil!
- Alex says:
- June 2015 at 23:22
What a great gig at the “Rock the Kilt ” in Bünde AGAIN !!! Hope to see you again next year… stay healthy and keep on rockin’ Always a pleasure to make Party with you guys !!!
- yacine says:
- May 2015 at 03:40
hallo i am from algeria and i like your music . you are good artists .your music make me jump with a lot of happiness
- Carol says:
- May 2015 at 19:57
Hi guys and gals, cruising on you tube and came across your videos. I love the bagpipes as does my son and what you have done with your music is just fantastic. Wish you would come back to Winnipeg or Brandon so we can come see you! Keep up the awesome playing!!!!
- Andreas says:
- May 2015 at 05:53
Hi, excellent show last evening in Kurhaus Göggingen, Augsburg!! I like you guys! Bought both albums and looking forward to see you again, live, maybe without any chairs all around Best wishes and rock on! Andreas http://www.elusivesilence.de
- Epop says:
- May 2015 at 19:42
Hi, a great combination of catchy folk tunes, rock and a little bit of electronic/prog (“Visitors”). Hope to see you again next year at Fredenbaum Park Dortmund (“Spectaculum”). Many thanks to Aya for the little chat after the show (“You’ve got a synthesizer …”). Und: Jetzt, wo ich eure Website lese – Ihr seid ja wirklich dicke im Geschäft! Weiter so. E-Pop
- Uta says:
- May 2015 at 10:56
Hallo, super Konzert gestern in Bad Homburg, habe jede Minute genossen. Freue mich aufs nächste Konzert, die Zwischenzeit überbrücke ich mit Euren CDs. Und danke fürs Zurücklegen des T-Shrts! LD Uta
- Michael says:
- April 2015 at 08:44
Hallo , das Konzert gestern in Celle war genial. Hoffe sehe euch bald wieder. Weiter so Grüße Michael
- Wollo says:
- April 2015 at 21:26
Hallo ihr Lieben…. habe euch auf Youtube gefunden und auch sofort lieb gewonnen. Wie ich gesehen habe seid ihr am 18.07 – 19.07. in Bückeburg (Spectaculum). Ich freue mich (wir… meine Frau Nani auch) riesig auf euch. Macht weiter so.
- Marco says:
- April 2015 at 19:48
Sehen uns in Rastede. Ich hoffe / wünsche ihr werdet Whiskey in the jar spielen, und im Anschluss einen mittrinken.
- Doug says:
- April 2015 at 01:28
Please tour Eastern Canada!!!
- Chris Carter says:
- April 2015 at 03:44
I just discovered this phenomenon known as Celtica on Youtube. I wish I had know about you sooner. I love the Bagpipes, Celtic music, and Rock and Roll. You have fused these genres into something fantastic!! Keep up the great work. Hope that sometime you come back on tour in the U.S. and have a stop in Phoenix or Prescott Arizona, then I will get to see you live.
- Brian says:
- January 2015 at 11:17
Found you Guys when just wandering around Youtube. I have to say that I have never been a fan of the pipes until now but what you do with them blending with a modern rock style is quite mind-blowing. I’m going to watch out for a gig near me (East Kent) and try to get along. I am envious of the people I have seen enjoying your sounds on live videos.
- Beth Wheless says:
- January 2015 at 23:25
Enjoyed every Texas show and even made the trip to New York and introduced my northern friends to your amazing talents. Looking forward to your return to the states.
- Colin Hinds says:
- December 2014 at 17:00
Had the song “out there” going over and over in my head this morning. Caught your show at Estes Park and had a good time. My mom who was 85 at the time was dancing and booging in the pit at the end of the show with all the young rowdies. Its a good show when you can woo a great grandmother. Hope to see your rockin show again sometime and untill then I will be “out there” Colin
- ostseekrabbe says:
- November 2014 at 19:17
welcome to MPS in Germany next year! Very very great! I will see you again more than 1 time.
- Elmer says:
- November 2014 at 22:41
I have only seen the videos and that has caught my eye enough to buy all three albums. I have looked at schedules and I hope to find my way to a live show. Any chance you will be coming to the United States soon? No worries I will go to you if need be. Just keep doing what you do and rock the pipes.
- Mikke says:
- October 2014 at 00:14
Saw all your performances at Ocean Shores–holy shite n caramelized onions washed down with Redbreast! There are a lot of Celtic punk/rock bands, and you lot fuse the Muse righter than any I’ve seen. The ghost of St. Rory Gallagher looks out on you from the mists and smiles–especially you, Gajus. All of you, outstanding musicians, and such nice people. Thank you for working so hard to make our festival amazing.
- Susie says:
- October 2014 at 18:19
We went to the Irish Festival in Ocean Shores Washington from Tucson Arizona to see you guys. We were not disappointed either. Money well spent. Gajus Stappen was fantastic. Angus Young has nothing on this man. The energy they had on stage was remarkable. Caught every show they preformed. I hope you come back next year!! I wish you all the success because you sure deserve it. You all have pure talent….except great things for you!
- Todd says:
- October 2014 at 20:25
What a entertaining group. Rock and Pipes together for an “electric” performance. Great energy and even better people. Celtica Pipes Rock is a must see if they come to your area, or if you go to theirs.
- George & Sandi says:
- October 2014 at 04:57
Fantastic shows you put on at the Galway Bay 11th Annual Irish Music Festival. You guys rocked it. Look forward to seeing you all again and get chatting with Duncan and Harald during break at Galway Bay Pub. Cheers!!!
- Gail Entwistle says:
- October 2014 at 04:44
Saw you at the 2014 Gallway Bay Festival and am impressed. Hope to see you again and again. Rock on!
- thom says:
- October 2014 at 17:18
Great show last night at Celtic Music Festival. Was very pleasantly surprised….bagpipes can rock.
- Moreno says:
- October 2014 at 10:56
Even this year I had the opportunity to appreciate your performance in Chiampo in Italy, and I must say that you are a delight for both the eyes and the heart. You have a unique style, and the charge seems to convey that you know magic. You are a great band, and I hope that your career is getting bigger. Celtic Pipe’s Rock forever !!! Moreno
- Silvano says:
- September 2014 at 13:23
I saw you for the first time at 15th anniversary of Banana Group motorcycle gathering in Tuscany last February and you were amazing…. I’m in Johannesburg for work and i’m spreading your name and your music everywhere I go… A lot of people interested in you around here… Could be interesting for both u and them to pay a visit….. GREAT CELTICA
- gregory says:
- September 2014 at 23:12
Saw them on Sunday at the Pleasanton Scottish games and they were great! Would see them again anytime and tell all my friends about them! The band’s name sums it up!!!
- Amandine Rusyn says:
- September 2014 at 17:37
Saw you all at the Highland Festival in Estes Park this weekend. So awesome! Take care and hope to see you all again someday!
- Dave says:
- September 2014 at 05:25
Saw them both days at the Pleasanton Games. Standing room only for every set. Spillover into the roadway. By far the most energetic and fun show at the games! Great mix of music from respun 400 year old tunes to mixes of show tunes to brand new original work. Gajus, you are a genius. Saw them at Pleasanton last year and was blown away then. Didn’t think they could top that but I was way wrong! So good it brought tears to my eyes. New members were a big plus. Loved how they invited the band they shared the stage with to play with them the last couple of songs in their last set. That was super professional (and fun too.) Will go way out of my way to see them again. Only change I’d ask is that the entire band get introduced (I know the sets are short.) Keep up the great work!
- Rebecca says:
- September 2014 at 01:37
Celtica blew us away at the Pleasanton Highland Games! We may just drive 4.5 hours to see them at Bakersfield Celtic Music Festival — well worth the trip!
- Ken Morrison says:
- August 2014 at 14:25
FANTASTIC tour kickoff show at McGirk’s in Binghamton, NY on Friday! You are all world class performers! The crowd loved the show and one couple drove 3 hours to come see you. We hope you will pass by this way again in the future. Ken Morrison http://www.whatsgoinonbinghamton.com
- eric says:
- August 2014 at 20:46
true skalds are back and the pipes shrill like never before my favorite group is right here and hope to hear your magic for many years to come thank you
- Robert Couttie says:
- August 2014 at 12:11
looking for Scottish music with a kick found you guys when you coming to Scotland. Alba-Gu-Brath
- sowa k.d. says:
- July 2014 at 20:42
please come to Poland, here are so many, so many Your fans
- Jocke says:
- July 2014 at 08:21
Please come to Sweden and play
- Nina says:
- July 2014 at 10:02
Hey, we bought your 3 CDs on the Angelbachtal Highland Games without ever hearing your music before. (Just a short look on YouTube seconds before) And this was the right decision! We could´nt stay until the show begins, but we are so happy with your cd´s that we hope to come to the Kammgarn next year! Thank you for the music!
- Ana says:
- July 2014 at 11:06
I discover your music in a podcast, and I definitively want to hear you! I hope you ll plan soon to come in France!
- Roland says:
- June 2014 at 23:02
Hallo, ich habe euch am 28.06.2014 in Obervellach in Kärnten gesehen und bin absolut begeistert !!! Die CD die ich von euch gekauft habe hat auch meine Frau überzeugt! Ich freue mich auf ein wiedersehen! (hab auch einige Bilder gemacht solltet ihr noch welche brauchen) Weiterhin viel Erfolg Roland aus Klagenfurt
- MaryLu says:
- June 2014 at 20:21
Hallo, vielen Dank für den supertollen Auftritt. Es hat Freude gemacht zu sehen, mit wieviel Lebensfreude und Spaß an der Musik der Auftritt war. Ihr versteht es jung und alt zu begeistern. Macht weiter so. Viel Erfolg weiterhin und uns habt Ihr als neue Fans gewonnen. Wir freuen uns schon sehr darauf, Euch wieder auf einem Konzert in Deutschland zu sehen. Herzliche Grüße aus dem kleinen Dorf in Salzgitter-Lobmachtersen.
- ostseekrabbe says:
- June 2014 at 15:59
Unique sound of blazing bagpipes, mighty drums and the power of a rock band, CELTICA takes by storm the audiences. At last Amazing grace I must say in German: Der pure Wahnsinn, Gänsehautfieber vom Feinsten. Acustical and optical the very best!
- ostseekrabbe says:
- June 2014 at 21:55
A very great show at MPS Hohenwestedt (Germany) in a wonderful surrounding. Come back next year.
- Asian Wedding Horses UK says:
- June 2014 at 20:56
Awesome. You Guys are just what I am looking for. Bagpipes and Rock for my Asian Wedding Clients. I hope we will be doing business together soon. Messaged you on FB. Please respond asap. Regards. Steve.
- Michael says:
- May 2014 at 14:01
Holy Cow, you were awesome yesterday in Rastede. Thanks for this amazing experience. The CD’s are rotating. Had a blast
- kiwi777 says:
- May 2014 at 03:34
I’m Looking forward to hearing the CD number 3 from Celtica. I’m heading over to Austria / Germany maybe England around Sept – Oct 2014 ( from New Zealand ), I was hoping to catch Celtica in concert sadley the band is touring U.S.A around the time I’m over there. maybe better timing next time.
- raimund says:
- May 2014 at 18:52
great show at mps dortmund
- Marguerite says:
- April 2014 at 04:52
So glad to see you are returning to Estes Park Scottish Irish Fest in CO this fall. Attended the Sat nite concert and heard/saw/met you all for the first time in Estes Pk 2013. Will not dance wearing camera again, ha! Looking forward to hearing your new music. Cheers, Marguerite
- Nancy McLeod says:
- April 2014 at 01:43
Seen you at Helotes you rock love want you can do with the pipes hope you see you next year if you come back to Texas
- Ken Bender says:
- April 2014 at 03:33
Saw you guys at Highland Games in Helotes…great job,guys rock…keep up the good work….Hope to see you again next year
- Kate says:
- April 2014 at 23:00
Hey!!! Just saw you at the Celtic Music Fest in Helotes, TX!!! Well done!!!!
- Kym says:
- April 2014 at 02:14
Came to the San Antonio Highland Games strictly to see you! And again, you did NOT disappoint! Looking forward to car dancing to your new CD!
- Kevo says:
- March 2014 at 01:10
Saw you in NJ yesterday. Loved the show! Will catch you in NY
- Rudee says:
- March 2014 at 00:52
We are looking forward to Rocking with CPR Friday night !! Should be a grand evening looking forward to seeing you all again, Doug “Rudee” Braden / Peek Freenz
- James Nichols says:
- March 2014 at 05:28
Heard you for the first time at the 2013 Sonora Celtic Faire with my lady, and we’re looking forward to hearing you again! PIPES ROCK!
- Rene Grandon says:
- March 2014 at 06:37
We saw y’all at NTIF in Dallas! So awsome! Such a rocking great time!
- Nancy McClintock says:
- February 2014 at 20:24
So excited to see you will be playing at the Pleasonton, California Scottish Highland games this coming September,2014. I was amazed last year by your music and energy and have been enjoying both of your CD’s since! Hope your new band members are as awesome and looking forward to the games and great music! Nancy McC.
- December 2013 at 21:43
Looking forward to seeing you live at NTIF 2014 in Dallas. We will show you a Texas good time!
- Padriag O’Treabhair says:
- November 2013 at 16:53
Rockin’ show in Dunedin, y’all. Looking forward to seeing you in Texas. Also it would be great to have you to the Seattle area one day. I’m sure they would love you here.
- Sherri says:
- November 2013 at 18:31
All I can say is “WOW”…Celtica performed at the Dunedin Celtic Craft Beer & Music Festival this last Saturday (11/23) and they were incredible. Extremely talented musicians; their music grabs you from the moment they begin to play. And to top it all off, their stage presence commands your attention. Love these guys/girls :-).
- Nick says:
- October 2013 at 19:54
Been following this band long before they came to the 2013 St Louis Scottish Festival Event, but seeing them live just re enforced my liking for Celtic music and bagpipes. Being in a hard rock/screamo band myself, I have a more appreciation for evolving music playing!! You guys rocked this event each time, and I hope to see you play again soon!!!
- Laura says:
- October 2013 at 03:03
I Love this Band. Loved the show in St. Louis MO. Rock On.
- Kimberly Albro says:
- October 2013 at 20:31
CELTICA PIPES ROCK! They played the Longs Peak Scottish Irish Highland Festival in Estes Park, Colorado this year for the first time. I caught them at the Saturday night concert and I was BLOWN AWAY. Their stage presence was awe inspiring and loved the mix of modern rock with traditional pipes. They really got the crowd going. Just a few days after ourfestival Estes Park was hammered with historic rains and 500 year flooding. I reached out to Celtica to possibly help with raising donations for Estes Park. Theydidn’t hesitate, and are still currently donating $1 for every merchandise sale to benefit Estes Park 100%. Great musicians, superheroes in disguise! If you can, check them out in Aztec, NM or Dunedin FL in the states. YOU WON’T REGRET IT OR FORGET THEM!
- D3gl1ng0 says:
- October 2013 at 12:51
Salut les filles et les gars ! Je vous ai découvert sur Youtube et votre musique m’a fait monter les larmes aux yeux tellement elle était bonne ! Ça faisait bien longtemps que cela ne m’était pas arrivé alors MERCI, спасибо, thank you, vielen dank ! Je m’en vais acheter vos deux CD dès que possible. mit besten grüßen D3gl1ng0
- Scott says:
- September 2013 at 23:23
Caught your show in St Louis Mo. at the Scottish games. I heard you talking about the show on the radio and went to the games just to see you. I was blown away what a great show. A perfect mix of traditional pipes and rock. And you are so right PIPES ROCK…. I hope you can make it back next year I would love to see you live again. Until then I will be happy with the CD’s which have a permanent place in my cars player. I wish you the best of luck and much success.
- Jim Fox says:
- September 2013 at 06:52
Second year seeing the band at Scotsfest Tulsa. Just awesome!
- Sue Maurer says:
- September 2013 at 06:18
I stumbled upon Celtica by accident on youtube of all places and was blown away! I’ll never have the pleasure of seeing Celtica live because of my location but I am trying to find a way to purchase your music! Instant fan! KEEP IT GOING CELTICA, you’re the perfect mix of music I’ve always searched for….perhaps some day I’ll be fortunate enough to see you live. BEST WISHES ALWAYS
- Bruce MacDonald says:
- September 2013 at 16:28
I’ve just discovered Celtica Pipes Rock, only wished I had discovered you before. You folks are truly the missing link between traditional Scottish pipes and hard rock. You’re the best thing I’ve ever heard and am now a huge fan for life! I’m extremely happy that I found you and your music, this is the best I’ve ever heard. I’ve been watching all of your live stuff on You Tube. I can’t stop watching! Please continue this for many centuries to come!
- Randy says:
- September 2013 at 07:17
Another AWESOME show in Tulsa this year. Noted the two new members this year and you all didn’t miss a beat. Hope we see you here again in 2014? Been following your progress on schottenradio. Good to see Cape Horn at #2 on the charts.
- Karen frosm Este says:
- September 2013 at 19:23
he Best shows, loved it…… Thanks for taking the tour through the mtns it was a blast. Hopefully we will see you back in Estes Park soon……..
- Lisa and Logan says:
- September 2013 at 22:33
Our entire family loved seeing you at the Scotfest in Tulsa! Thank you so much for posing for pictures and signing our CDs and shirts! We cannot wait to see you again!
- Eric says:
- September 2013 at 21:27
Great shows at ScotFest/Tulsa……..saw ya at the Hotel when we were arriving, to our pleasure saw you on stage shortly there after. Awesome….Awesome… thank you all for the great energy and music.
- Lisa says:
- September 2013 at 01:24
Just caught your show at Scotfest. Awesome! Wonderful! Super! Danced until I could hardly breathe. You guys are great Thanks- Lisa
- Brenda says:
- September 2013 at 15:56
Caught all 3 of your shows Sunday in Estes Park. You rock! Audience participation, how you engaged us all, playing and flirting with your audience, only added to the charisma of your performance. I had so much fun I had to buy a cd
- Michelle says:
- September 2013 at 03:28
You guys ROCKED Estes Park. It was so much fun when you all were on stage. I hope you are able to come back to Estes Park soon. I look forward to seeing you again in Florida in November.
- Thomas Mitchell says:
- September 2013 at 02:37
You are definitely a group of talented performers. I watched you perform at the 2013 Longs Peak Highland Festival and enjoyed what I heard. I spent a little time watching an audience of adolescents, young adults and older people react with great enthusiasm. Everyone was on their feet and being very vocal in their enthusiasm. I anticipate a very bright future for you all and hope to have the opportunity to see you live again soon.
- Joel says:
- September 2013 at 05:09
Just seen the show in Billings Mt. You guys rock the music was great. Celtic Pipes lived up to its name and ROCKED it. Good show. Hope to see you guys again.
- Leigh McTaggart says:
- September 2013 at 01:35
We just saw you at the Pleasanton Games. My son is learning the pipes and it’s great to show him how versatile the instrument can be. You guys truly rock and I can’t wait to see you again.
- Marie says:
- August 2013 at 03:31
Saw you at Hunter Mt. AWESOME… loved the entertainment and music. you all are very talented. Will pass onto my family in Scotland to look you up.
- janice says:
- August 2013 at 03:13
saw you tonight at Hunter Mountain. your guys rocked. thanks for signing my cd and it was great to meet you. unfortunatly i cannot listen to the cd because it was broken in half. so upset….can’t wait to see you guys again… till them rock on xo
- Manuel says:
- August 2013 at 20:58
Danke für das schöne Wochenende in Altena… wir waren wie das Jahr zuvor begeistert und Josy die VIP trägt nächstes Jahr deinen Namen…
- Steffen says:
- August 2013 at 21:27
Vielen dank für das schöne Wochenende in Altena! Es war wieder Super!!! Endlich haben wir jetzt auch Fotos mit euch zusammen. Und unsere Tochter der blaue kleine Engel ist von Josy total begeistert! Wir hoffen wir sehen uns nächstes Jahr wieder! Spätestens in Altena!! Viel Glück euch weiterhin! Bye Bye….
- Andreas says:
- July 2013 at 17:36
Great Show at Castellans yesterday – I’ve enjoyed it so much. Hope to see you again next year.
- sean says:
- July 2013 at 01:51
great show at grandfather mountain! now a new fan love you guys see you next year!
- WoFu says:
- July 2013 at 01:40
Extreeeeemely excellent performance.. You’ve rocked the Catellans folk festival. Thanks for your show tonight.
- barbara says:
- July 2013 at 04:00
thank you celtica you rocked the fort once again. You were awesome and I hope you will come back to thunder bay again in the near future. my mom and dad would of loved you guys . All the very best to you and look forward to your next album. Your biggest fan Barbara
- Wu says:
- July 2013 at 18:10
- Sabina says:
- July 2013 at 17:19
Thank you Celtica! You were the highlight of the Celtic Festival in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, July 19, 2013. I loved it! Can’t wait to see you perform ‘over the pond’ one day. I wish you were given a slot to play on Saturday night instead. The audience was a little thin on Friday. You deserved to play a larger crowd. I hope we can book you again next year. Rock on!
- Bill says:
- July 2013 at 14:18
Love you at the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games (NC, USA), but why did it always start to rain during your night gigs? Regardless, we bought and listened to both CDs driving back and loved them. My youngest daughter (22) heard selected tracks and flipped. She is now a fan. Also, my wife looks great in the Celtica woman’s t-shirt (should have gotten one for me!). Looking forward to what you do, and hope you enjoy your America tour (and have better weather)!
- Ronald Beuker says:
- July 2013 at 15:43
Great show at the 7-th Keltisch Midzomer Festival in Bad Nieuweschans guys! First time that I saw you, and I enjoyed every minute of it! Thnx!
- Rebecca Clark says:
- July 2013 at 00:48
Loved seeing your shows at Grandfather – you allrocked the mountain! am loving my CD! Hope to see you again soon. Rebecca – Knoxville, Tennessee
- Susan K. says:
- July 2013 at 23:12
You were the highlight at the Highland Games on Grandfather Mountain! I posted the picture of us on my FB page and added a link to your webpage. The pic. definitely increased my coolness factor since I’m a conservative school teacher. If you ever make it to Virginia, I’ll be in the audience!
- Cindy says:
- July 2013 at 06:51
Saw a 2 min post on facebook. Checked out your site and music!! Very awesome music!! Hope to see you soon at an event!!
- Eric says:
- July 2013 at 18:58
Good job in Alaska. We had a great time!
- Kaiser says:
- July 2013 at 15:08
Orgasmicc composition Cetic Rules !!! From TUNISIA
- Mitja says:
- June 2013 at 21:55
Great,great performans and absolutely good music from you here in Maribor! It was so good to hear and see you again in live! Till next time!
- Lady Lucretia says:
- May 2013 at 19:11
I saw you guys on the 25.05.13 at the 2nd Keltic Festival Schloss Hohenlimburg. It was really amazing! I saw that you guys are not coming to Denmark Maybe this would be a nice idea?!? Would like to see you again live
- Laurie Landfried says:
- May 2013 at 18:40
I saw you guys last year at the Tulsa Scottish Festival and you guys rocked! I have never heard anyone mix it up like you guys did!! It was a great surprise and I loved it!! I just bought both your CD’s!! Keep that passion alive always.
- Luca says:
- May 2013 at 08:52
Great show yesterday in italy! I’ve never seen all that fire on a stage!
- Jim Morrison says:
- May 2013 at 22:23
Hey, I just discovered Celtica! I must’ve been living under a rock … I think you’re great and I’m coming to see you in Tulsa in September! Can’t wait! You ought to play at the North Texas Irish Festival in Dallas, Texas next year, Feb 28, Mar 1 and 2, 2014. Do it, you’d be a hit!
- tabularazor says:
- April 2013 at 08:04
hi ihr, hab mich durchgezappt durch eure klangwolken- blieb mir der atem weg, echt großes kino und energiesound. nach dem studium eurer tourliste werde ich sicher auf einem gig vorbeischauen. danke an josi, sie hat mich “zu euch geführt”. also weitermachen, nie aufhören, man sieht sich und liebe grüße an josi von christof aus budapest
- Laura Cunningham says:
- April 2013 at 03:34
A friend sent me a link to your raggae bagpipe cover of Lion sleeps Tonight. I almost cried, I loved it so much. My mother was born and raised in Glasgow, and she shared her love of bagpipes with me. My 16 year old daughter loves Bob Marley and reggae, so this was just amazing. I will be ordering your cd’s as soon as my hubby gets back to work. Thank you, your music has made my day.
- Steven McMillan says:
- April 2013 at 15:22
Good Stuff!
- B.McLachlan says:
- April 2013 at 03:24
LOVED finally seeing you live at the San Antonio Highland Games! I will definitely be going to see you this September in McDade, TX! Thanks again for an amazing show!
- Carole says:
- April 2013 at 18:47
San Antonio has long been a hard rockin’ metal town. With the arrival of Celtica and their kick a$$ rock and bagpipes I think we all fell in love with their music, it just rocks our soul. I hope they make San Antonio a regular stop.
- mysticdruid says:
- April 2013 at 07:48
I really enjoyed your performance at the San Antonio Highland games. Hope you all come back next year!!!
- jacksonUnit says:
- April 2013 at 01:39
MAN, PIPES UP! That was exhilarating! We loved every minute of it! I was in the pipe band you guys played with at the finale. The only thing I didn’t like about playing with Celtica was having to stop so soon. If you come back next year, maybe we can work up a longer set. jacksonUnit, –San Antonio Pipes and Drums.
- Lacee says:
- April 2013 at 22:41
Awesome job at the San Antonio Highland Games!!! We really enjoyed it. I do think a Christmas album would be awesome from you guys.
- Peggie says:
- March 2013 at 00:36
You all were amazing at the Highland Games in Phoenix. Can’t wait to see you again, may even show up at the Games in Pleasanton just for you all!!! Peggie
- Paul says:
- March 2013 at 05:54
You all were a BLAST to work with and you ROCKED the show Sat night in Phoenix!! We will see each other again soon!!
- Jason says:
- March 2013 at 08:12
is it ok to say you all were fucking awesome on the site? cause you all were fucking awesome
- Rick says:
- March 2013 at 03:58
Just saw you today at Dublin Civic Center and was blown away! Really fun combo of pipes and rock! Also happy to see lady piper is from Boonville, I have lots of friends from there
- Scott says:
- March 2013 at 21:06
I saw you this last weekend up at the Sonora Celtic Fair. You Guys and Gals Rocked the house. Can’t wait to see you again! The Grass Valley Celticfest is in Sept……. Would be great if they booked you!
- latisha says:
- January 2013 at 23:48
love it to death hot hot hot
- Teine Sith says:
- January 2013 at 20:41
Very interesting, love that cover of We Will Rock You/I Love Rock n Roll! Looking forward to seeing you perform at the 2013 Long’s Peak Scottish-Irish Festival!
- Sansnom says:
- December 2012 at 07:55
You’re a great band …
- gene says:
- November 2012 at 02:07
I think it would be awsome if you did a christmas album
- MadGran says:
- October 2012 at 18:10
Wow! you guys Rock… love the fiery bagpipes… would love to see you live.. swing those sporans!
- Rebekah Berry says:
- October 2012 at 09:35
Love love love your music! When will you be coming to the Pacific Northwest? Keep Those Pipes Rockin’!
- gene says:
- October 2012 at 07:34
keep the celtic rock alive
- gene says:
- October 2012 at 07:25
I have always loved pipes and after i heard and saw you i love them even more you all make me very proud of being scottish and irish
- Randy and Elizabeth says:
- October 2012 at 03:58
We caught you guys at the Tulsa Games – 2012. When you got a standing ovation and made a “curtain call” on Saturday night you made my year with Amazing Grace; such an awesome rendition. However, when you mixed it wih Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing” I said there was NO WAY you could do it with bagpipes. You guys did your homework and not only made it work – you ROCKED the freakin house. Awesome awesome job! We are new groupies forever. Futher, we brought our 12, 10, 9, and 5 year old grandkids and they too loved your shows and fight over the CD I baught for myself.
- Jack and Susan says:
- October 2012 at 15:55
After coming across your band on You Tube this spring, I learned you were coming to the NH Highland Games and tried to order your CDs off your WEB site and was unable to do so. Gajus replied, and I said that I would wait until the games and get them there and told you that the NH crowd would love you guys. . Well, we attended all of your shows, even the impromptu ones on the sidewalk on Sunday. We left with both CDs and a signed t-shirt for our grandson. Thanks, and YOU WILL BE invited back. New England rocks to Celtica. It has been 2 weeks since the games and my wife is still murmuring Aye Aye Captain over and over again!
- Ingrun says:
- October 2012 at 15:34
Hallo Celtica, durfte Euch in Hemer bewundern und fand Eure Auftritte echt Megasuper. Weiter so und ich hoffe wir sehen uns im Mai 2013. Ganz Liebe Grüsse Ingrun
- Lindsey says:
- September 2012 at 22:41
Had such a great time seeing you guys last night at Pipes in the Valley! We’d never heard of you guys before but by the end we totally loved it! AWESOME music! Thanks for such a great time! Looking forward to seeing you again in 2013!!! All the best, Lindsey
- Mike says:
- September 2012 at 23:11
You guys were GREAT at the NH Highland Games! Come back again, often!
- Kurt says:
- September 2012 at 17:05
9/26 An incredible band! Saw your Sat. night show at the NHHG at Loon Mt. Never heard of you all before this weekend, now your CD hasn’t left my car. What a great time hearing awesome talent. Please come to the US often, there’s an audience here for you. Kurt and Diane
- Tj says:
- September 2012 at 00:05
Saw you guys at the NH Highland Games this past weekend. You guys ROCK! Of all the bands I saw yours act was the best. Keep on Rocking and doing it up large. All the best.
- Hunter says:
- September 2012 at 12:45
Saw you guys at the Tulsa, OK Scotfest 2012. It was awesome. Glad you came and I will definitely see you guys next year.
- Kristi says:
- September 2012 at 17:45
You were absolutely fantastic in Tulsa! Thank you so much for letting us play with you the evening of the 15th. We had a blast! Hope we can do it again next year! Kristi Oklahoma Scottish Pipes and Drums
- Brandie says:
- September 2012 at 15:30
OMG!!! Loved ya’ll in Tulsa. I never missed a performance while u guys were playing here. You guys freaking rocked. Your guitarist was awesome! See you all next year. Can’t wait for your next album. Your biggest Tulsa fan Brandie
- Janine says:
- September 2012 at 00:19
Spectacular!!!! Love you in Tulsa…see you again next year!
- Holly Wescott says:
- September 2012 at 20:39
You guys (and gals) rocked this weekend at the Tulsa Scottish Festival! Your performance was the highlight of the event. I love the new album, and thank you for the kind photo opp! You are as nice in person as you appear on stage–how awesome! Your new loyal fan, Holly in Oklahoma.
- Jessica says:
- September 2012 at 01:48
Ya’ll totally rocked Tulsa! So great to meet you after probably the best live show I’ve ever seen. Can’t wait till next time!
- Carol says:
- September 2012 at 08:02
Come to Victoria, Vancouver Island, B.C. Canada!!!
- Karen says:
- September 2012 at 21:11
just found you. please come to memphis TN!
- Erin says:
- September 2012 at 23:29
LOVED you guys last night!! Been watching videos and listening to your music all day today!! You really rocked it and were such an awesome addition to the highland games in Canmore! Will hopefully catch you guys again at the Canmore Hotel… You’re going to make it big in Canada! You were all so wonderfully down to earth and great to chat with as well. What you’re doing is absolutely brilliant!
- Carolyn and Rob says:
- September 2012 at 14:31
Bargefest Winnipeg: Wow! We loved the pipes and rock. What a super performance. I cannot believe you can pipe and twirl at the same time. The music was wonderful but your stage show will leave lasting memories. Please come back! We have both your CD’s and would have stayed for autographs but unfortunately for us,we had to leave early
- betty says:
- September 2012 at 07:25
Love love you guys in Winnipeg. Thank you for the great music wow! I would love to see you again in the Peg!!!
- Bob & Wendy McLeary says:
- September 2012 at 07:05
Loved the show at Bargefest in Winnipeg on 2 Sept, 2012. It was a great venue at the historic Forks with the band playing on the barge in the river and the boats & trains going by behind you. Celtica and the pipers really had a connection to 200th anniversary celebration of the arrival of the Selkirk Settlers from Scotland. The acustics were great and the pipes were tuned to perfection. Good on you mates. Hope to see you back again.
- Maria says:
- September 2012 at 05:59
Watched you at the Barge Festival tonight in Winnipeg, Manitoba. You guys were AWESOME!!! Fantastic sound, loved all your music and what a great band you have!!! The energy on stage rocked!!!! Keep up the great work, it is much appreciated!!!! All the best from Winnipeg, Maria
- Tawnee says:
- September 2012 at 05:58
My family and I went to the forks tonight (Winnipeg) to check out the music and I have to say, I love you guys after tonight, absolutely amazing. I can’t get over how unique and talented you guys are! Love your music <3
- Willie says:
- September 2012 at 05:28
An absolutely brilliant show at Bargefest @ the Forks, Winnipeg, Canada tonight! The setting on the river made it a perfect setting. Hope to see and hear more of you!!(01Sep/12) Best wishes, Willie L (The Jambo!)
- dave says:
- September 2012 at 05:25
Just saw you at Barge Fest in Winnipeg. Awesome show! Welcome to Canada! Danke schoen!!!
- eric says:
- August 2012 at 01:06
so happy I found you guys today “today” as your playing in Winnipeg , MB on Saturday Sept 2 I’m going to get to see you’s LIVE welcome to Canada and Manitoba
- Kilted Texan says:
- August 2012 at 23:36
Would love to see these guys, but they don’t seem to be coming to south Texas anytime soon. Houston would rock.
- Ingrun says:
- August 2012 at 23:54
Hi Eure Musik ist total super – Hätte nie gedacht dass Dudelsack und Rock zusammenpasst. Habe Euch live in Altena erlebt. Hoffe dass ich bald mal wieder bei einem Konzert von Euch dabei sein kann. VLG Ingrun
- Dani & Felix Schweiz says:
- August 2012 at 15:40
Wow, schon wieder einen solchen Abend. 2x Highländer Schweiz und jetzt Burgfolk Mühlheim an der Ruhr.Gibts was besseres als die Ultimative Steigerung des Hardrock,in die Schottischen Highlands? Wir Danken Euch für diesen umwerfenden Abend, mit dem anschliessenden Zusammensein am letzten Biertisch . Eure Schweizerfans Dani & Felix
- Tom says:
- August 2012 at 11:37
Right like @Karsten wrote Hope to see you again on Burgfolk Mülheim Best regards
- pidder says:
- August 2012 at 23:41
Auf diesem Wege möchte ich einmal ganz, ganz, ganz herzlich meinem Freund Gajus sagen. Leider erfahre ich immer wieder Ablehnungen, von Leuten, die mich nicht kennen, denn ich bin aufgrund von Muskelschwund fast völlig gelähmt, sitze im Rollstuhl, aber dieser Mann(Gajus) hat mit mir vor wenigen Wochen völlig ohne Vorurteile Freundschaft geschlossen, und mich darüber hinaus am 18. August, kurz nach meinem Geburtstag, persönlich angesprochen, vor dem Schloss Broich. Gajus kam sogar nach dem unvergesslichen Auftritt seiner Truppe zu der Rollstuhlfahrer-Tribüne, um mich und meine Begleiter kurz persönlich zu begrüßen, nachdem wirklich jeder von Celtica pipes rock mich sah, mich sehr herzlich empfangen hatte, und sich gemeinsam mit mir fotografieren ließ. Wahnsinn! Somit war ich für wenige Minuten einer von EUCH, meine Freunde! Ich werde immer wieder in meinen Sendungen auf http://www.baern-radio.de von meinen Freunden berichten. Versprochen. You are the greatest! DJ Pidder aus Bottrop
- Stefan says:
- August 2012 at 21:28
Just wanted to let you know I quite enjoyed your show at the Burgfolk festival :).
- Karsten says:
- August 2012 at 17:41
….haben euch gestern auf dem Burgfolk erlebt,und Ihr wart GROSSARTIG.Vielen Dank für diesen wunderbaren Auftritt. Wir sehen und hören euch bestimmt wieder.Gruss aus Mülheim
- Gabriela says:
- August 2012 at 11:14
I have seen u last night in Klagenfurt.You have 3 new Fans.Please come again to Klagenfurt.This kind of music is the best i have ever heard.I bought both CDs:-) And i am so proud that my ears hear this wonderful music of mystic and Rock.
- Silke says:
- August 2012 at 10:29
Hallo ihr sechs, war am Freitag bei eurer Show am Altstadtzauber. War sooo geil. Hoffe doch, dass ihr nächstes Jahr wieder kommt. IHR BRINGT DIE PUPPEN ZUM TANZEN!!!!!
- Vanessa says:
- August 2012 at 23:29
OMG! Habe euch heute in Klagenfurt gesehen. Einfach genial. Habe noch nie eine Band mit so viel Energie und so einer geilen Show gesehen. IHR SEID DER HAMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Steffen und Sabine says:
- August 2012 at 14:56
Hallo… Wir haben euch am Samstag und am Sonntag in Altena gesehen und sind sowas von begeistert das man ruhig sagen kann…es war das Highlight überhaupt. Eure cd läuft jetzt fast den ganzen Tag hoch und runter. Sogar unsere Tochter (8) ist total begeistert. Man hört nur noch aus ihrem Zimmer aye,aye Captain und das Holzschwert wird zur Gitarre. Versuchen in Mülheim wieder dabei zu sein. Ein Poster mit Autogrammen wäre sehr schön hihi…. Ganz liebe Grüße und vielen dank! Viel Glück in den Staaten! Ihr habt drei riesige Fans mehr jetzt!
- Sven says:
- August 2012 at 10:26
Hallo Celtica,eure Show war in Altena am Samstag so geil das ich am Sonntag nochmal gekommen bin um eure Show zusehen und vor allem zuhören IHR SEIT ECHT COOL und macht so ein Tempo Hut ab vor den Pipes… WEITER SO…
- Monika says:
- August 2012 at 10:26
hey leute, auch altena war ein gelungener abend. ihr seid einfach gigantisch, weltklasse. ich möchte mich bei duncan und josy bedanken, dass sie mir das letzte damenshirt rausgesucht haben. ich werde es in ehren halten. wir werden uns ganz sicher wiedersehen bis zum nächsten mal ganz liebe grüße reinhard und monika viel erfolg bei eurer usa-tournee
- Ruediger says:
- August 2012 at 10:06
Loved your show in altena last night. The best one on the festival at alles!
- Marvin Gladitsch says:
- August 2012 at 02:38
As I said a few hours ago: You were awesome!!! I try to arrange my day, so I can get the missing two autographs
- thetallcool1 says:
- July 2012 at 22:09
Just heard you for the first time on a podcast, you guys sound great! Will be buying the CD soon!
- Iris says:
- July 2012 at 07:31
Loved your performance on KMF! You guys rocked the stage! Oh and hope to see you guys on KMF next year. And I really liked my waterproof shirt and cd hihi.
- lino says:
- July 2012 at 21:31
Great show at the Celtic Midsommer Festival. Enjoyed your performance. Hope to see you perform again some day. Great music, Great show!
- Signe says:
- July 2012 at 14:49
Loved your music at KMF! hope to listen to you again. Greetz! Signe en Blizz
- adelheid says:
- July 2012 at 11:12
great band you are and thanx that our son could play the drums !! he is a big fan and wants to become a great drummer.
- Martijn says:
- July 2012 at 11:32
Celtica you ROCK!!! Enjoyed your performance yesterday at the Celtic Midsummer Festival in Bad Nieuweschans(NL)! But please don’t play AC/DC’s Thunder again…..the first time you played the song….thunder and rain. The second time you played it…guess again..thunder and rain. Do you have a magic bagpipe?? Then take the sunshine pipe next time we come to see you, what we certainly will!!! Martijn en Iris
- Olli says:
- June 2012 at 23:51
CELTICA RULES !!! Habe euch vor ein paar Wochen in Neuss am Rhein gesehen und gehört. War absolut spitze. Supergeile Performance und Musik. Die beiden CDs habe ich auch schon und das T-Shirt habe ich heute auch schon bestellt. Geile Show, geile Musik, werde euch auf jedenfall weiterempfehlen. Viele Grüße, Olli Multimedia-by-Olli
- Detlef says:
- June 2012 at 20:19
Hello! Saw you in Poyenberg – GREAT show! Now I hear every day “Oceans of Fire”. My favourite songs: “Cape Horn” and “The Piper and the Mermaid”! Hope see you soon again! THANKS a lot!!! to all members Detlef
- Oschkahr says:
- June 2012 at 20:12
Hallo zusammen, ich habe euch in Newchurch während den Tridays zum ersten, aber bestimmt nicht zum letzten Mal,gesehen und gehört. Ihr habt ein saugeiles klasse Konzert auf die Bühne gelegt. Gratulation. Vielleicht verschlägt es euch Mal in meine Heimat an den westlichen Bodensee. Oschkahr
- Petra says:
- June 2012 at 08:43
Von Eurem Auftritt in Newchurch (Tridays) waren wir echt schwer beeindruckt. Ihr ward der Höhepunkt dieses Events. Ich hoffe, ihr kommt mit eurer außergewöhnlich guten Show und Musik auch mal nach Vorarlberg! Liebe Grüße aus Bludenz Petra
- Jens says:
- June 2012 at 16:15
Hey, hab Euch, nach eurem Besuch in Landshut, jetzt bei den Tridays zum zweiten Mal live erlebt. Ihr wart wieder spitze. Hat Spass gemacht Eure Show zu sehen!! Grüße aus Niederbayern
- Layne B Landis says:
- June 2012 at 14:43
Hello Celtica I have just discovered your band and music just a few days ago. I have got to sat that I truly enjoy what I am hearing. The mix of Bagpipes and rock are just awesome. Rock On! Layne B Landis
- Frank Blümner says:
- June 2012 at 08:25
Hallo Celtica ! Hab Euch in Poyenberg zum ersten Mal gesehen und bin total begeistert. I love the Pipes! Schöne Show und tolle Ausstrahlung. Die beiden CD`s sind Klasse! In der Liste meiner Lieblings-Bands steigt Ihr von Null nach ganz weit oben. Alles Gute für Euch Frank
- Gabi says:
- May 2012 at 13:21
IHR SEIT EINZIGARTIG – EINFACH WELTKLASSE – WOW!!! Schon zum zweiten Mal haben wir euch in Asparn rocken gesehn, und es war wieder mal ein unvergessliches Erlebnis für die Sinne. Eure neue CD haben wir auch gleich wieder mitgenommen, damit Celtica – Rising zu Hause Verstärkung bekommt ;-). Hoff ihr plant Asparn wieder in eure Tour ein, würd uns sehr freuen……..
- Andrea & Paul says:
- May 2012 at 09:00
Hello everybody, a great show last night in Aspern/Zaya! You are special musician with amazing songs. Keep it up! Greetings from the Weinviertel, Andrea and Paul!
- Donald Fisher ( Donald Fisher says:
- May 2012 at 07:39
Wow – what nice surpise in my mailbox today. Many thank to the band for putting together another great CD ( I’m listening to it now many thanks again for the great music. – – – Donald Fisher ( New Zealand ).
- Birger says:
- May 2012 at 20:59
Hey, das war eine sensationelle Show in Neuss. Vielen Dank und weiterhin viel Erfolg, Birger
- Ian says:
- May 2012 at 09:22
hey gus and girls of course. i saw you on sat 19/may Hohenlimburg schloss. AWSOME thanks very much… Ian
- Monika says:
- May 2012 at 17:10
Hey, das war am samstag abend am schloß ein absolutes highlight für meinen freund und mich. hoffe wir können uns nächstes jahr wieder auf euch freuen. mal sehen, ob wir es schaffen, anfang august nach altena zu kommen. ganz liebe grüße monika + reinhard
- Larry says:
- May 2012 at 20:21
Hello Celtica! We ( myself and my daughter ) saw you today on KeltFest in Dordrecht. Well…. what can i say! … You’ve got two more fans!! Great music… Great show! And most important….you are very nice persons! Thnx for a great gig! and a wonderful day! Hope to see you soon! Grtz! Larry and Chloë
- Davy says:
- May 2012 at 19:21
Seen Celtica for the first time today at the Keltfest in Dordrecht (Netherlands). They where very very good. An awesome live performance. Just at home and the first thing i checked was there webside. Defently want to them more!!!!
- Thomas + Dirk (Oerry) says:
- May 2012 at 16:39
Hi Gajus . Gestern auf Schloss Hohenlimburg habt ihr wieder alles gegeben. Vor allen Dingen uns einen unvergesslich genialen Abend. Vielen Dank dafür. Bis im August auf Burg Altena. CELTICA rocks our life Thomas Und Dirk (Oerry)
- Oerry (Rolli) says:
- May 2012 at 14:50
Hey Ihr lieben, ich hoffe Ihr seit gut zu Hause angekommen. Ich wolle mich noch einmal ganz herzlich bei Euch bedanken, für den gestrigen Abend in Hagen auf Schloss Hohenlimburg. Es war ein Super toller Abend und ein ganz tolles Konzert. Gruß Oerry (Rolli)
- Wolf says:
- May 2012 at 09:33
Vielen Dank für den schönen Abend und die geile Music auf dem Schloß Hohenlimburg in Hagen………..See you
- pidder says:
- May 2012 at 23:09
ich habe euch gestern im Internet gefunden, als ich nach origineller schottischer Musik suchte. Ich bin begeistert. Und ich werde so schnell wie möglich in unserem Radio http://www.baern-radio.de etwas von eurer Musik spielen. Versprochen. Natürlich brauche ich dazu noch die CDs, die ich heute bestellt habe. Euer pidder
- Sascha says:
- May 2012 at 23:04
Vielen lieben Dank für das T-Shirt was ich auf Schloss Hülchrath bekommen habe. Es war sehr schön mit Euch und ich freue mich auf Altena mit Euch. LG Sascha
- Mike says:
- May 2012 at 10:17
Hi Gajus! Hab grad die neue Cd genossen-ihr seid auf dem richtigen Weg! Coming Home ist genial, paßt genial zu Urlaub-Fotoshows…Freu mich auf euer Concert im Chelsea. Gratulations zum Konzept und den Songs. Grüsse an alle von Deinem Bruder Mike
- Travis says:
- May 2012 at 01:26
I’m going to try and go see celtica in tulas, Oklahoma, USA in september.
- Jason Gunn says:
- April 2012 at 19:01
Awesome!!!!! Can’t wait to see you in Tulsa!
- Craig says:
- April 2012 at 22:25
Saw you guys on U Tube. Awesome! Cant wait to see ya in the USA Charlotte NC area hopefully someday.
- Sean says:
- April 2012 at 03:02
Just stumbled on to you guys. I have one word for you Amazing hope to catch you while your in the U.S. this year hoping even more you find some midwest dates Indiana would be good. Keep it up you guys rock!
- Sorin Iacob says:
- April 2012 at 21:00
Hi,Celtica After I watched you and The Scottish Bagpiper’s Corps in Red Square Parade on youtube I bought an bagpipe.Not expensive one but ok after I replaced some parts in a Vancouver store.Anyway I don’t now at all how to play it.Hard for me even to blow air in to full bag. Welcome to Canada in september ,in Canmore. I think Canada is the right place for you.Canmore area is a nature beauty.You should allow few days to visit around,like Kananaskis Country,Banf,Morraine lake a must,a drive on Icefields Parkway to Jasper. Waiting for you in Vancouver. all the best Sorin
- mcgraw says:
- March 2012 at 01:41
oH my god how have i not heard you before i am scottish and proud of it i have always thought the pipes (ROCK) the same as me do keep up the good work the world needs the scots
- Bill says:
- February 2012 at 01:09
Found your cd while browsing on CD Baby and just got it today in the mail. All I can say is WOW! I’m only 4 hours from Tulsa, OK so I’m looking forward wot seeing you live in September. Can’t wait for the new cd release in May!!
- Andreè says:
- January 2012 at 15:00
Hi!!! wollte nur schnell schreiben das ich mich Freue euch am 18 – 19 Mai 2012 in Hohenlimburg am (im) Schloss zusehen http://www.schloss-hohenlimburg-keltic-festival.de/virtual/SchlossInnenhof.html bei dem was ich hier Lesen Hören und Sehen durfte !!! Ich Wünsche euch eine gute anreise und lasst das Schloss stehen Liebe Grüße aus Hohenlimburg Andreè
- padraig says:
- December 2011 at 22:20
Hi guys! I just have seen your videos on youtube and it sounds so great! when will you come in Paris France? i’m absolutly sure you’d have a great success. Go on playing this way!
- Mike says:
- December 2011 at 06:08
Awesome Music. Keep up the good work!!!!!
- Marco Dragon B. says:
- November 2011 at 14:27
You are so EPIC! I’m astounded by your way of making music… You are the ONES! Greets from Venice (Italy) Marco M.R. Dragon B.
- Marta Nicolin says:
- October 2011 at 19:53
Hi from Chiampo, Italy! Still thinking about your performance a few days ago, it was totally wicked. Hope to see you perform again some day, but for now I’ve got your CD! Thanks, Marta.
- Mibo says:
- September 2011 at 06:08
Wir haben Euch in Machern gesehen. Na ja ….. Das Wetter war schlecht aber IHR wart supi Vielen dank für den schönen Abend. Alles Gute und VIEL Erfolg weiterhin!!!!!! Liebe Grüße MiBo
- Queen of the Mountains says:
- September 2011 at 14:19
I love Lord of the strings!!!!
- Paul Bosch van Drakestein says:
- September 2011 at 14:59
Yesterday I saw you in Hank, Brabant, Holland, and my girlfriend and I enjoyed your music and performance ennormously! What a boost of energy! I hope you will some more oftenly to Holland!
- Iris says:
- August 2011 at 07:31
ich muss schon sagen,das konzert gerstern in studen,hat mir die schuhe ausgezogen,es war so cool.eure musikalisches genie und die feuershow…..hammer. danke für die alten songs. wünsche euch weiterhin viel erfolg
- Melanie says:
- August 2011 at 13:37
Hi ihr ! ich hab euch am altstadtzauber in klagenfurt gesehn, wahnsinn, einfach genial, spitze,… mir fehlen die worte, ihr seit super!! hab auch schon eine cd bestellt, aber leider noch keine daten bzgl. bezahlung und lieferung erhalten… ich will ganz dringend eine cd von euch!! glg melanie
- Renato Pacchione says:
- August 2011 at 12:32
Cgieti (Italy) 14 August 2011 … simply fantastic U’re the best!!!! Ur music comes from the skin, bones runs, runs in your blood and…….. and the body begins to dance
- christian says:
- August 2011 at 14:31
war wieder ein super konzert von euch in klagenfurt. freue mich schon auf eure auftritte in der nähchsten zeit. lg. christian(steyr)
- heman the best says:
- August 2011 at 08:32
Hallo zusammen, ich habe euch beim Altstadtzauber in Klagenfurt gesehen (leider nur die letzten minuten),hoffentlich kommt ihr bald wieder nach Kärnten, da mir eure musik sehr gut gefällt. liebe Grüsse Hermann
- werner says:
- August 2011 at 20:59
Wir möchten uns bei euch für die wunderschöne Darbietung,dei ihr am Klagenfurter Altstadtzauber dargeboten habt,recht herzlich bedanken,es war ein einmaliges wunderschönes Gefühl, eurer Musik zu lauschen und sich mitreissen zu lasen,danke, euch allen,weiterhin viel Erfolg und alles gute
- Ani says:
- August 2011 at 01:03
hey there! we’ve seen you today at Altstadtzauber in Klagenfurt. you guys are awesome! we loved your show! keep on rockin’! greets
- Chrissi says:
- August 2011 at 23:21
ihr und eure musik seid einfach wahnsinn ! LG aus Klagenfurt Chrissi
- August 2011 at 20:40
Ich habe schon vieles mit Pipes gehört. Wir hatten schon verschiendenste Bands (auch die Red Hot Chillipipers) bei unseren Highland-Games spielen lassen können. ABER: Celitca ist für mich:Der absolute Hammer! Als Vize Präsidet von unserem Verein, mit grösster Empfehlung !!!
- Laura says:
- August 2011 at 15:10
Saw you yesterday in Altena- I was even sitting on the desk right next to you :D!! Really enjoyed your version of Beethoven’s “Freude schöner Götterfunken” greetings from rainy Sauerland ;D
- Andi75 says:
- August 2011 at 18:04
Hiiiiii, habe euch in Fehraltdorf am Highland-games gesehen. Das war ein ssssensationelllles, voll geiles Konzert!!!!!!!! Hammerstark!!!!!! Very special Performance, the Fireshow, the music, allllllll!!! thanx alot. regards Andi75
- Rick and Heike says:
- August 2011 at 17:55
Just got back from Altena…. Celtica live.!!! Super music with that ‘something’ special.!!! Good luck with your other gigs See ya. Slain. ps- Keep in contact- May 2012. Hope I can get things sorted!!!
- Roger says:
- August 2011 at 14:14
Habe Euch im August in Fehraltorf/Schweiz an den Highland Games gesehen und war hin und weg, ebenso wie meine Freunde. Geniale Show grossartiger Sound. wir hoffen, euch bald wieder live erleben zu dürfen und wünschen euch alles Gute sowie viel Erfolg Mit den besten grüssen Roger
- Massimo says:
- August 2011 at 19:57
Seen you in Sarnico (Italy) last sunday. Wonderful and exciting performance, you are sensational! My 4 year old daughter, Ginevra, loves so much Gajus and Duncan; and never stops to listen to your cd!!!
- Janfresko says:
- July 2011 at 17:33
Seen you yesterday in Vernasca, “Baschereis 2011″. Amazing sound, great performance, really inspiring. Wait to see you guys on a live tour… Good Luck! P.S. Your CD is running continously from this morning!
- Barbara says:
- July 2011 at 19:26
Hi i love ur songs !! Me and my friend just listen ur songs on youtube and we love it <3 <3 <3 !! Plz can u come to Croatia again !! This was my e-mail for Celtica group i love <3 <3 and they asked if i wanted to publish it here and i did
- Albert M der nikonfotografierer says:
- July 2011 at 20:22
Ich habe euch wieder in Angelbach gesehen und auch wie letzten Jahr voll begeistert. Auf die versprochene CD mit Bildern müsst ihr euch noch 1-2 Wochen gedulden aber ihr bekommt sie garantiert.
- July 2011 at 21:37
Einfach ein hammergeiles Konzert am Samstag (musste leider am Sonntag für den Bühnenabbau vorschlafen)….. ich war echt begeistert ….. mir habt ihr besser gefallen als die “Red Hot Chili Pipers” die ich mir letztes Jahr mal angesehen habe Macht weiter so und ich hoffe man sieht sich das nächste Jahr wieder ….. Ach und noch gute Besserung an euren Bagpiper LG vom Psycho-Schwein
- Beni says:
- July 2011 at 17:03
Hey, geile Show in Angelbachtal, super Performance einfach super. Rockt weiter!!!
- Sebastian says:
- July 2011 at 10:06
Hallo Celticas, hab euch bei den Highland Games in Angelbachtal gesehen. War ein Hammer Konzert. Habe dazu http://www.leben-im-kraichgau.de auch ein paar Fotos gefunden. Viele Grüsse, Seb
- Markus u. Sabine says:
- July 2011 at 16:41
Hi Celticas, waren gerade bei den Highland-Games in Angelbachtal, SUPER!!!
- Ela says:
- July 2011 at 14:55
Habe euch heute in Angelbachtal gesehen. Es paßt einfach alles; Musik und Outfit sind klasse. Leider habe ich das Konzert am Vorabend nicht mitbekommen. Aber da kannte ich Euch ja auch noch nicht. Werde auf jeden Fall wieder dabei sein wenn Celtica in der Nähe einen Auftritt hat. Bis dahin höre ich halt die CD. Keep on rocking. Liebe Grüße Ela
- Heiko und Freunde says:
- July 2011 at 00:10
Hi, super was Ihr heute bei den Highland Games in Angelbachtal auf der Bühne gezaubert habt. ich hoffe Euch hat der Abend genau so viel Spaß gemacht wie uns. Geniale Performance und eine super Bühnen Show,abgerundet von den Feuer Einlagen. Von der ersten bis zur letzten Minute kam keine lange Weile auf. Danke für die ausgedehnten Zugaben, Ihr hättet auch noch 2 Stunden oder länger spielen können . Was ich mir noch wünschen würde, ein wenig mehr Vocal in Eurem aktuellen Programm. Instrumental incl. der Solos ein Genuss für die Ohren, ein wenig mehr Gesang würde das gesamte Programm noch mehr aufwerten. Ich denke Ihr habt noch eine große Zukunft vor Euch und ich wünschen Euch alles Gute für die Zukunft. Ich freue mich Euch hoffentlich im nächsten Jahr wieder sehen zu können auf den Highland Games. liebe Grüße
- Gerda u. Ludwig says:
- June 2011 at 08:15
DANKE! Es war einfach ein Wahnsinn euch beim Steyrer Stadtfest zu hören. Wir wussten nicht wirklich was uns erwartet und waren dann aber ÜBERWÄLTIGT! Pipes and Rock muss man gehört haben. Mitklatschen (man konnte ja gar nicht anders), tanzen, hüpfen und mitsingen – man musste von Anfang bis zum Schluss mitmachen – das ging ganz automatisch, weil der Sound einfach geil ist!!! Auch Josy´s Feuershow war super. Wir hoffen euch bald wieder zu sehen und zu hören! Liebe Grüße aus Steyr, Gerda und Ludwig
- susi says:
- June 2011 at 08:12
Hi Celtica, wundervoll gestern in steyr, sensationelle buehnenshow, also wenns geht bald wieder kommen.
- peter says:
- June 2011 at 22:37
Hai Folks, I looked at your dates that you come to the Netherlands to play at 4 september in Hank! We also play there in a medieval setting and also in a rock setting on stage. We hope to meet your there and drunk some keltic beer together! By the way, you playing good rocking music! Slan Agad,, Peter
- Carol says:
- June 2011 at 19:46
Saw you all in Vienna last week, total surprise and absolutely brilliant, never heard rock music played on bagpipes before…made my visit the more memorable, will def be telling my friends about you guys! Best wishes Carol
- Aurora says:
- June 2011 at 13:07
WOW!!!I saw you randomly in Vienna and i was so excited: Best perfomance of the festival I looooooove you
- brighid says:
- May 2011 at 14:31
Asparn /Zaya Yeah! Voigas!!! war wieder ein Highlight! Hat Spaß gemacht – hüpfen was das Zeug hält :)) Danke nochmals
- Thomas Lieser says:
- May 2011 at 16:46
Glad I could listen to you in Vienna (will probably be in Mauerbach to see\listen to a complete set). I took some pictures of your show: http://www.flickr.com/photos/onkel_wart/sets/72157626832747406/ Let me know if you have any objections (I’ll take them off my website) or whether you want some of the shots…
- Brian Sands says:
- May 2011 at 19:52
I had never heard of you, but I enjoyed hearing your music today in Vienna. I will without a doubt get a CD!!!!
- maz says:
- March 2011 at 19:31
fab cd lots of tunes my late highland grandmother used to sing ,especially orange and blue a real old favourite ,thank you all ,and may you have great success.xx
- Celtic Voice Radio Weser TV Bremerhaven, Udo Wilms says:
- February 2011 at 14:32
Hi Guys Danke fuer Eure CD. Top Sound. Ihr werdet in unserer Show zu den regelmaessigen gehoeren, versprochen.
- Volker says:
- January 2011 at 04:25
Hey ich habe euch bei schottenradio gehört. Ihr seid so geil. Das gibts gar nicht. Weiter so.
- Tina says:
- January 2011 at 15:55
Hi – Piperockers! Mein Bruder Martin ist gerade mit dem Moped durch Indien unterwgs und hat dort Euren Bandleader kennen gelernt und uns Eure Homepage bzw. Eure Mugge empfohlen – er hat nicht zu viel versprochen! Geniale Aufmachung! Kompliment!! Grüßle, T!na
- Martin – Kerala says:
- January 2011 at 10:30
Hi ! dann schick ich mal direkt vom Strand einen Gruss ins Gästebuch. Ich bin der Typ der die Fotos von den neuen Bannern gemacht hat. Beste Grüsse vom indischen Strand…. möglicherweise aber mittlerweile schon wieder zurück in Deutschland Martin …. !
- John says:
- December 2010 at 16:06
Just found you and love what you are doing keep it up! Happy new year!
- Marianne says:
- December 2010 at 17:40
Merry Christmas my friends! Kisses
- Keith says:
- December 2010 at 00:52
Excellent all round Gajus. Hope to hell you can get to Rock Ness or T in the Park here in Scotland. I’m sure you would go down a bundle. Any chance of hearing more of Josy’s vocals? Slainte
- Sari says:
- November 2010 at 11:23
Thanks for the great performance at Molly Darcy’s on the 19th of November. I’m now back in Finland and listening to the cd.
- Marianne says:
- October 2010 at 20:12
Hello guys! I wanna to tell you I’m a new your fan because you are really good …… you do a really beautiful music … Since I heard your music in Chiampo I loved you!! Congratulations …. I hope to hear soon in another your concert …. kisses from Italy! Marianne
- andrew gratton says:
- October 2010 at 23:41
Very awsome stuff! im a huge metal head and this stuff is killer!!!!!!!!!! my guys in the band will love it!!! BAGPIPEs!!!!!! kick ass!!!!!!
- Don Fisher ( New Zealand ) says:
- October 2010 at 09:31
Awsome CD. Thanks for sending it over to me. One day when I’m rich I willl like to fly over there to see the Celtica in concert. Can’t wait for the next CD comes out. Keep up the awsome music. Me from New Zealand
- Barbara says:
- October 2010 at 13:01
Hi, Dudelsack DUO: die beiden haben was drauf-echt genial – nur weiter so – tolle Kombination diese Band, war ein super Konzert in Wien -Okt.2010 Man freut sich auf ein weiteres… glg Babsi
- Börgi says:
- October 2010 at 11:05
Servus, super auftritt in landshut beim spektakel!! euere musik ist nur noch geniaaaaaal, einfach nur mitreissend euere cd läuft nur rauf und runter wann gibts die nächste cd? (aw bitte per email) grüße aus landshut
- M.P.Seamore says:
- September 2010 at 21:06
Servus beinander,leider können wir nicht nach Wien kommen.HEUL.HEUL.Aber ich werde alles daran setzen Celtica wieder nach Bayern zu holen.Deshalb bitte ich alle mich zu unterstützen.Es gibt in Bad Reichenhall das bekannte Magazin 4,die Inadresse für gute Musik.Wenn wir alle eine email an office@kukst.de schicken ,mit der Bitte -Celtica Pipes Rock -nach Bayern zu holen,wird das geschehen.Also Fans aus Bayern und Umland helft mir den Wunsch wahr werden zu lassen.Ich werde nächste Woche auch Österreich aktivieren.Wenn wir alle zusammenhalten ,funktioniert das.Es ist mir eine Ehre dies zu tun ,nach dem Konzert in LA.Und da ich jetzt Gajus und Josy näher kennenlernen durfte umsomehr.Auf gehts.Danke im Vorraus sagt der bayerische Extremsportler und Schriftsteller Markus Parthe c/o M.P.Seamore
- Harry Deiter says:
- September 2010 at 15:12
Nice job, I love me some Gwendolen the magic piping beauty.
- gabriela says:
- September 2010 at 08:37
hallo ihr ich bzw. wir haben den auftritt in landshut auch sehr genossen…wir waren gestern auf einem mps und dort hat tatsächlich eine andere band einen song von euch gespielt also ihr begeistert nicht nur uns, sondern auch andere bands….das ist dann wohl lob genug!!! weiterhin viel erfolg und auf ein wiedersehen 2011
- Felix says:
- September 2010 at 14:50
hallo celtica vielen dank für die autogramme von euch. ihr macht wirklich eine saugute musik. ich hoffe das war nicht euer letzter auftritt in landshut. viele grüße felix
- Verena says:
- September 2010 at 17:55
heyy ihr, ich hab mir sofort ne CD gekauft als ich auch beim Stadt-Spektakel in Landshut gesehen hab! Und ich hab mich echt über eure Autogramme gefreut! Ich freue mich auf´s nächste Jahr und hoffe ihr seid dabei! Liebe grüße Verena
- Edeltraud says:
- September 2010 at 14:03
Hallo Ihr von Celtica, ich habe drei Auftritte von Euch beim Landshuter Stadtspektakel gesehen. Ihr wart jedesmal echt super. Mich hat schon lange keine Band mehr so fasziniert wie Ihr. Hab’ mir auch gleich Eure CD gekauft, die ist wirklich empfehlenswert. Bitte kommt bald wieder mal nach Landshut und bringt unbedingt wieder Jonny aus Edinburgh mit. Alles Gute für die Zukunft und liebe Grüße aus Landshut Edeltraud
- Thomas P. says:
- September 2010 at 10:33
Hey Ihr, euer Auftritt Samstag Abend in Landshut war der Hammer, lange her dass mich eine Band so begeistert hat. Wünsch euch viel Erfolg in eurer Zukunft. Hoffentlich landet Ihr auch wieder mal in Landshut. Macht weiter so… Thomas
- birgit says:
- September 2010 at 21:28
hallo celtica, ich hab euch gestern 2mal in landshut gehört und muss sagen ich bin absolut begeistert von euch!!!! eure musik ist einfach nur genial und ihr spielt mit soviel begeisterung, dass man gar nicht anders kann als mittanzen!!! ich hoffe ihr seid öfter mal im schönen bayern, damit ich euch noch ganz oft sehen kann!! vielen, vielen dank für die schönen stunden gestern! macht noch ewig so weiter!!!! glg birgit
- Mona says:
- September 2010 at 18:38
Super performance am Landshuter Stadtspektakel. Ich hoffe, es gibt demnächst noch eine weitere CD. Mona
- M.P.Seamore says:
- September 2010 at 22:31
Ganz ehrlich. Ich bekomm jetzt noch keine Luft von eurer Darbietung in Landshut. Ihr ward so beeindruckend. Obwohl ich aus der Salzburger Gegend komme kannte ich euch zu meiner Schande noch nicht. Aber das hat sich ja heute schlagartig geändert. Es war für mich denkwürdige Ereignis. So wie ich mich kenne werde ich bestimmt eines meiner nächsten Bücher in den Highlands spielen lassen. Und wenn ich darf, euch als Inspiration erwähnen. Ich bin euch zu tiefem Dank verpflichtet. Und “Küss die Hand, Josy” für unser anregendes Gespräch. Es grüsst euch der Schriftsteller und Extremsportler M.P.Seamore
- gigi says:
- September 2010 at 08:26
pipes rules…
- nela says:
- September 2010 at 12:07
..it would be a crime if U dont show up in croatia again..
- Ana says:
- September 2010 at 19:35
Tnx for the amazing shows in Varazdin! Been on 3 of your shows and you were absolutely amazing every single time! Really hope to see you sometime soon, or at least next year in Varazdin! You were definitley the best perfromers on Spancir!!!!
- leo di gesperi says:
- August 2010 at 10:08
hello celtica thx for visiting varazdin, I hope that soon you will be on beer again! hug for my gwenn -she wil take me to the highway to hell lol (love you gwendolen)! And my cheffin brankica stll incharm in gajus.. c ya around…josey: i dont forget you and the fire…. zivjeli
- photografer says:
- August 2010 at 22:27
thanks for playing and saticfaction…claudia swiss countryside….smile
- Doctor says:
- August 2010 at 20:50
I was on your concert in Varaždin. I was watching 2 of your concerts and I was extremly suprised with your perform. I watched you last year…I hope that you will come back next year. Say hello to all of members of CELTICA! Bye
- dinamicman says:
- August 2010 at 20:23
See you last two days in Varazdin. Great play and performance! Even on rainy day :-)) Amazing! Today didnt make to see you and i am sad You leaving. Maybe one more play tomorrow around 21:00 :-))
- Kranich says:
- August 2010 at 16:34
Ich habe euch am 25.08.2010. in Varazdin auf dem Spancirfest bewundern dürfen. Ihr wart klasse!!!! Hoffe ihr seid auch das nächste Jahr dabei!!! Viel Erfolg und liebe Grüsse! Kranich
- Damjan says:
- August 2010 at 11:28
You are great. I hope that you’ll be at the Varaždin next year!
- Marijan says:
- August 2010 at 11:04
Great performance at Spancirfest Varazdin, Croatia. Best regards !
- anchi says:
- August 2010 at 23:26
Great great show!! Špancirfest Varaždin, CRO Varaždin loves u!!!!
- Mima says:
- August 2010 at 23:12
I just wanted to say that you’re by far one of the best bands I’ve ever had the opportunity to listen to live! Great performance in Varazdin on Spancirfest today and yesterday (even though it rained ), but as I’ve seen – nothing can stop you from making a great show. I wish you all the best and many more concerts like this one! And I hope I’ll get the chance to see you again somewhere (maybe here in Varazdin again)… Rock on!
- Dorotea says:
- August 2010 at 23:04
You guys were absolutely wicked tonight! I’m definitely looking forward to tomorrow’s performance! The medley of “Parni Valjak” caught everybody by surprise! That was really neat of you! I hope you’ll come back to Varaždin next year as well! Cheers from Croatia!
- bojan says:
- August 2010 at 23:01
Thanks for great show in Varazdin Spancirfest tonight. Girls & lad’s carry on, looking forward to see your tomorrow performance. Bojan
- Jadre & Niki says:
- August 2010 at 22:54
Toller Auftritt in unserer schönen Stadt Varaždin! Your gig was the best we’ve seen lately on Spancir Festival! Wir hoffen dass ihr wieder zurück kommt! LG
- Slobodan says:
- August 2010 at 22:28
You are the best……. Hallo from croatia from Varazdin ( Špancir fest )
- Manuel says:
- August 2010 at 20:28
Great Show @ Golser Volksfest on 18.08.2010! Wonderful Mix between pibes and Rock Guitars! Schöne Grüße aus Purbach am Neusiedlersee!
- Chiara says:
- August 2010 at 00:05
You’re the best players that I’ve ever seen in my life..!! You’ll be forever in my heart..I hope I’ll see you again the next year here for the Buskers festival..!! Greetings from Santa Sofia.. Lots of love.. Chiara
- michele says:
- August 2010 at 12:51
santa sofia has to say to all the celtica groups: we all hope u come again the next years!!!
- FaBiO95bOrgO! says:
- August 2010 at 19:10
CELTICAAAAAAAAAAAA…..xD…Siete grandi!!very good your new CD Rising…I bought it in Neustift…
- Delia&Andrea says:
- July 2010 at 12:28
looking forward to seeing your performance tonight in Sarnico! Welcome!
- Sara says:
- July 2010 at 10:17
25 july 2010 See you yesterday in Vernasca, original and very very involving show. Great music and good musicians. See you today again.
- Mario says:
- July 2010 at 08:17
Hab euch in Angelbachtal erlebt, Rising-CD gekauft,einige Nachbarn im Wohnblock schauen mich strafend an, habe leichten Tinnitus in beiden Ohren und immer einen glücklichen Gesichtsausdruck. Ich bereue nichts!! a Waaahnsinn
- harry-joe says:
- July 2010 at 10:53
Freu mich schon auf Euren Auftritt in Neustift am 28.7.2010! Endlich mal was cooles beim Musikkarusell! nehmt genug CD´s mit! lg harry-joe
- Albert M. says:
- July 2010 at 08:29
Als ich letzten Sonntag in Angelbachtal den Park betrat, wart ihr gerade am Spielen.Mein erster Gedanke Hier spielt Hevia. Also sofort hin.Ich war sofort absolut begeistert. Die Mischung aus trationellem und Rock in Abwechslung gehen sofort ins Ohr. Bevor es langweilig wird,wird gewechselt Das kannte ich nur von Mike Oldfield. Die CD ist sehr zu empfehlen. Übrigens Ihr seit viel besseer wie Hevia Weiter so. Gruß Albert M.
- Claudia says:
- July 2010 at 12:38
Der Wahnsinn! Haben euch letztes Wochenende zum ersten Mal in Angelbachtal gehört. Tolle Musik – hab mir sofort die CD bestellt. Die CD ist ein MUSS für jeden der auf Rock und Dudelsack steht. fantastic show – weiter so!!!!! liebe Grüße Claudia
- CelticDragon says:
- July 2010 at 11:57
Great gig at Silentium (Mauerbach) last night… Thoroughly enjoyed… Need more gigs in Vienna…
- tarasonne says:
- July 2010 at 10:52
Great! Fantastic! Thank you for this evening on the 2nd of July in Mauerbach!
- Imperator says:
- June 2010 at 13:51
Freitag den 2.Juli ist es soweit. Endlich können wir Euch sehen und hören. Wir freuen uns schon darauf. Auch auf die CD welche ihr bei uns vorstellt. Liebe Grüße vom Imperator
- ValentinaPennabilli says:
- June 2010 at 19:39
Hi Gayus <3! I haven’t been able to resist of visiting this site, shows you did at the festival Artisti In Piazza in Pennabilli fascinated me even more than the past, you are great, keep it up! Kisses Valentina From Pennabilli
- davide says:
- June 2010 at 18:49
I’m watching and listening you now in Pennabilli!!!! Congratulation! Davide (Roma, It)
- Jutta says:
- June 2010 at 11:25
Hallo, war bei eurem Auftritt in Asparn/Zaya – bin schwer begeistert von eurer Musik. Habe mir gleich die CD gekauft und kann mir so diese tolle Stimmung ins Wohnzimmer holen. Bitte plant Asparn bei eurer nächsten Tour wieder ein! Lg Jutta
- Walter says:
- June 2010 at 22:16
Hallo Zieh mir grad die Neue CD rein die ich mir im Shop bestellt habe. Die Lieferzeit von Bestellung bis zum Erhalt ist echt schnell. Zur Cd selbst – ist echt der Oberhammer, kanns nur jeden empfehlen. Macht weiter so und bringt bald noch mehr CD`s und vielleicht auch DVD´s raus. Lg aus Mistelbach Walter
- brighid says:
- June 2010 at 14:58
Ein supertoller Event in Aspern. Hat uuuuuuuuuurviel Spaß gemacht. Wir wollen mehr davon!!! Ihr habt Euch uns “Mädels” aus Hauskirchen mitten ins Herz gerockt. glg Brigitte Julia und Romana
- Sebastian says:
- June 2010 at 09:01
hallo gajus! wir haben am vergangenen samstag (1.juni 2010)im filhof asparn euer konzert miterleben dürfen.wir waren schwer beeindruckt! ein absolutes highlight war dein gitarrensolo, einfach weltklasse! nun haben wir auf youtube ein paar videos von euch gefunden. wir haben auch nach einem gitarrensolo von dir gesucht, damit wir unseren freunden zeigen können, was ihnen noch entgangen ist.leider sind wir nicht fündig geworden. vielleicht kann die fangemeinde bei der suche behilflich sein?! wir wünschen euch weiterhin viel erfolg! mit besten grüßen sebastian